Weeding out the spy

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A Death threat was all well and good, Loki thought, when you weren't on the receiving end of one.

Not that the pirate could kill him if he tried. But still, he didn't like being threatened. And yet, he also knew exactly why he was being threatened and couldn't find it in himself to be upset about it. He couldn't blame the pirate.

Loki didn't necessarily like people. He was quiet and he preferred solitary if the other option was to be with a crowd of people. However, he did like to people watch. He liked to turn invisible and sit in a room where people didn't realize he was in and listen to them talk.

Information was always given away like that. It was one of the reasons that Rogers had suddenly become trusting and had started sending him on solo missions. Because Rogers had realized Loki could bring more information in than anyone else could.

If there was something Loki did like, it was knowing that he was needed.

So now he watched. He had turned invisible once more and had watched. He soaked in the information. There were at least eight HYDRA agents that had attacked the safe house, but there were also multiple tire tracks, which meant some had fled so the number could've been anywhere between eight and fifteen.

Stark had tracked each and every truck that had left the premises to different locations. Though all of the men had worn hoods so they couldn't tell who was who, it wasn't hard to find Penelope Fury, with her long white hair and, of course, the bonds around her wrists and ankles.

Stark had tracked the first plane to Germany. The second plane to Egypt. The third plane to Sri Lanka. He couldn't find where the plane landed however and was making F.R.I.D.A.Y. search up every single private airport where customs weren't necessary.

Romanoff and Strange were working together to see if SHIELD had allies in Sri Lanka that could do some on the grounds searching before the Avengers showed up. So far the odds weren't looking good. Sri Lanka was a small country and SHIELD had never had anything to do with it before.

It was also an island, which wasn't promising for Penelope to escape on her own. While she might be able to escape and get a message to her father, there was nowhere to go if they caught up to her before the Avengers could get there.

He also watched Rumlow with distaste. He didn't like the vibes or whatever Midgards called the feelings they got when they didn't like someone.

But Rumlows story just didn't add up.

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Brock Rumlow staggered down the street. He was cursing the other HYDRA agents out. Had they had to hit so hard? He hadn't expected them to beat him to a pulp and actually almost kill him. Sure, it had been the perfect cover, but the recovery sucked.

HYDRA was pissed off for several reasons. For one thing, they had really needed Fury's daughter as leverage to continue propelling forward with future plans. The plan had been to trade Penelope Fury for Bucky Barnes. It was a trade that they knew Fury wouldn't be able to deny, even with Rogers arguing against it. Plus, Rumlow was certain Barnes would've let himself be handed over.

It was a stroke of amazing luck that Barnes didn't remember him from HYDRA, especially considering Rumlow had been Barnes handler for the most part. He'd been almost one hundred percent certain that after Barnes returned from wherever he went for therapy, that his job as an undercover agent was blown.

But Barnes didn't remember him as either SHIELD or HYDRA, and that was a lucky break indeed.

But then Fury, Barton, Hill, Coulson, and about twenty other agents had come through and completely destroyed the main HYDRA facility and he had to make another plan.

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