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Violetta and Katya taking a picture in the water together. 

🚸🛁 𝐒Ť𝓞ry 🛀🌜

Penny kept her arms tight around Steve's waist, clinging to the super soldier as he sped through the streets on his motorcycle. She felt nervous, her heart thrumming in her chest. She wondered if Steve could feel it in his back.

Steve was tense as he maneuvered the bike swiftly, following the path that was set for them by Elijah's smoke trail he'd left in the sky. Except they couldn't just cut across the city like him in one line. Good thing Steve knew New York so well.

She readjusted her arms a little higher and could feel his heart, beating heavily against the palm of her hand.

"Steve?" She asked as he came to a screeching stop where the fighting was already taking place. It was outside of the facility, HYDRA agents scattered across the sidewalks and green grass. She could see Vision flying in and out, yellow beams of light zapping from his forehead. Lightning raged in the sky from Thor. Tony, Rhodey, and a smaller Iron Man suit that must've been Riri's flew in and out of the group.

Steve readied his shield on his arm, looking over at Penny. He slipped a hand behind the back of her head, pulling her in for a quick kiss. "Stay by my side. Do. Not. Die. I love you."

"I love you too." Penny whispered, pulling her gun out of her holster. She followed Steve as best as she could, with him running faster, crossing the street, immediately getting into the gist of the battle.

She kept more distance, shooting agents through the head when possible, through the legs when not. Avoiding the torso because they were all armored.

She kept an eye on the building, sticking to the shadows. When she saw her opening, she darted through it, sliding through the side door into the building.

The building was virtually empty, silent, desolate. There were alarms flashing inside, the standard red ones that made Penny's eyes hurt. But there was no siren.

"I'm in." She murmured quietly into her com, heading down the side hallway. She moved at a quick, careful pace, her gun always in her hand, ready to be aimed and fired.

Suddenly, there was a flash in the corner of her eye. She didn't think, didn't look. She raised the weapon and shot before she could even see that she had shot some janitor through the head. He fell without a sound and she felt a sickening turn in her stomach.

"No." She whispered, dropping the weapon, falling to his side. "Wait- no."

"Penny I'm in on the right side." Clint's voice said in her com, but he sounded far away and blurry.

"No, no." Penny whispered, searching the man's pockets. She wanted to prove that he was HYDRA, that he was a bad guy. She grabbed his wallet and felt her hands shaking as she pulled out a picture of the man with his arm around a woman, three children in their arms.

The picture became out of focus, which Penny realized was because she was crying.

"Penny?" Clint's voice was still far away, but more urgent, more tangible. "Penny answer me. Where are you? Stark, what's Pennys tracker got her at?"

"On the opposite side of the building. Loki get to her." Tony barked.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Penny whispered, reaching a hand out, shakily closing the eyes of the dead man. "I'm sorry."

"Penny." Loki's soft voice whispered in her ear, pulling her back into his chest. "Penny we need to move. We're not safe."

"I killed him." Penny whispered, blinking. "I- he had a family."

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