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"Thor, I need to talk to you privately." Tony hissed, getting the blond giants attention. The room at the moment was completely empty, but Tony knew that could change in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, what do you need metal lover?" Thor asked boisterously.

Tony sat down on the couch and quickly told Thor everything that had happened with Trang. "Is there anything you can do on your end with the fertility that will fix her reproductive system so that she can have children? Or make it so that she can get pregnant anyways?"

Thor was silent for a long time, pondering. He then answered slowly, "There is a chance. After all, this is Earthly medicine. It is still potent and effective, however there is a syrup on Asgard that could possibly fix it. However, it would have to be taken in the smallest doses and for a long time before she could have it fixed. And even then, there is still a chance that she will not be able to get pregnant anyways. But, I can help on my end as much as possible."

"Thank you." Tony said, feeling relief sweep through him. Trang's distraught face when she told him that she couldn't have children kept torturing his waking hours. And he spent most of his hours awake.

"Of course." Thor said sincerely. "I will go to Asgard now and fetch it. I will make sure that my mother puts proper instructions on it."

Tony kissed Thor passionately and hummed happily when the giant reciprocated, sucking Tony's bottom lip into his mouth. Then Tony pecked his cheek and headed back down to the lab.

Riri was the only one there, the African American girl bent over her desk, working on one of her projects.

"Tony can I talk to you?" Riri called out, a waver in her voice as though she was nervous.

"Sure, what's up?" He asked. He viewed Riri like a daughter. She'd been an intern for him when she was so young. Her and Peter were like his adopted kids. Both of them were geniuses as well so he got along great with both of them in the lab.

"Um, I was just wondering, the news. . ." Riri said awkwardly. "Um, Mr. Chan said that all of the Avengers were together and they had all agreed to be together?"

"Yes, this is true." Tony said. He knew Riri knew about it to an extent. Of course, she would never join in, just like Peter and MJ and Kamala would never join in. They were just to young for the rest of them. Except maybe the younger ones like Pietro, Elijah, and Lan who weren't to far off. And any of the girls that would want to be with them like Mai or Katya or Violetta.

"Well, I was wondering." Riri said, gaining more momentum in her speech. "I'm technically an Avenger, so couldn't I join in with this thing?"

"Oh." Tony blinked in surprise, "Well I mean, you're kind've young for our group. But I'm sure if the newer Avengers like yourself that are coming in want to, then yeah of course. I mean, you guys would have to establish rules and there would probably be a little less with you guys. But Peter, MJ, Shur-"

"No." Riri shook her head and he was pretty sure she was blushing, though it was hard to tell. "I want to join in with you guys."

"Kid," Tony started off slowly, not liking where this conversation was going.

"I'm not much younger than Elizabeth!" Riri protested. "She's twenty-four and I'm eighteen!"

"Right, you're barely an adult." Tony protested, wondering where this was coming from.

"But why isn't she too young?" Riri nearly shouted at him angrily. "Why isn't Trang to young? Why am I the one who has to be to young, when I love you!"

Tony felt his heart stop. This was not good at all. There was a very uncomfortable feeling, knowing that the girl you thought of as your daughter loved you like that. "Riri, I love you, but not like that. You're like a daughter to me. You've always been a daughter to me."

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