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Steves reaction to Penny telling him that she was pregnant with his child was probably one of the happiest days that Penny had. He couldn't speak for a full minute, before pulling her into a hug and pretty much sobbing his heart out in happiness. He then didn't let go of her for hours, cuddling her and kissing her to his hearts content.

Penny also finally got to meet Elizabeth's kids. They were all really adorable and so unique. Mateo had his fathers dark colouring and eyes, but had softer hair that was more like Elizabeth's. Elijahs' daughter Kisa had a beautiful yellow-brown skin tone, with dark black-brown eyes to match Elijah's. She also a head of fluffy black hair, and her face was structured like Elizabeth's.

Elijah had also given his daughter a Chinese name that Penny could neither spell nor pronounce. She figured he'd probably done that on purpose so that it was something special between him and his daughter. So that, no matter what the group dynamics were, she would always know that he was her father.

Bucky's daughter Rue looked the most like Elizabeth with her hair colour, her face structure, and so on. But Bucky's blue eyes had been copied over onto her and she also slept the most.

December apparently also meant that Elizabeth had become a bouncing ball of excited energy. She had things planned every single day for the Christmas month.

One day they were building gingerbread houses- which turned into an orgy after Wanda tripped and got icing all over her arms and Rhodey and Loki had immediately started sucking it off of her.

Another day they went ice skating, which was a ton of fun and then they got hot apple cider and gingerbread men from a vendor.

Over a weekend, they went to a couple of different zoos and aquariums to just see the different light displays and animals.

And then two days ago, Elizabeth had made them all watch Scrooge. Penny had only seen the movie a couple times as a kid, and not really liking older movies, hadn't really watched it. But that day she had, cuddled up between Natasha and Thor. She had enjoyed the movie immensely.

Until Elizabeth wanted to learn the dance in the movie.

And now, today, Elizabeth had dragged all the girls out Christmas shopping.

Okay. . . dragged was a bit of an understatement. They had all wanted to get out of the tower for a while now.

So now they were out shopping and Penny was stuck. She had gifts for literally everyone except Steve and Bucky. She had no idea what to get them or what they would even want. What did you get two people from the 40s without offending them with old men gifts?

Looking around the crowded mall, she spotted Elizabeth who, unsurprisingly, was looking through Christmas candy.

"Got everything?" Penny asked.

"Yep." Elizabeth beamed. "I was just looking for candy to add to the presents. You got everything you need?"

"No." Penny said glumly. "I have nothing for Steve or Bucky. Gosh, even finding something for Elijah was easier than them."

Elizabeth laughed and turned to Penny. She pulled out two old records and handed them to Penny. "Here, take these. The Mills Brother record is for Bucky because it has the song 'Paper Doll' on it. And the other is Louis Armstrong, who is Steve's favorite old time singer right now."

"Aren't these the gifts you were going to give them?" Penny asked in confusion, marveling how they were such perfect gifts. She felt a little upset that she didn't know her soulmates well enough. Maybe they needed to stop focusing on sex so much.

"Yeah, but I can get them other things." Elizabeth shrugged. "Besides, you're their soulmate so you should probably give them the meaningful gift, not me."

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