I Spy

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The way I imagine Loki and Elizabeth sleep to keep cold if they're in hot weather. 

🤕🤑 ᔕ𝕥o尺𝕪 🌐💠

Violetta crept down to Tony's lab, slipping in easily. Everyone else was up at breakfast so there shouldn't be anyone down here for another hour or so. And by then, Violetta would be long gone. 

She quickly pulled up a chair and started typing furiously at the computer on the side. Hacking into the server easily using her knowledge of Trang, she was able to quickly pull up the information she was looking for: Sharon Carters' phone records. 

She was kicking herself mentally, knowing she had wanted Tony to look into them almost an entire year ago but had forgotten about it with other things going on. Now, it was more than likely that Sharon was the spy and Vi had fucked it up by forgetting. 

Sharon's info was locked tight, she couldn't access more than what her phone number actually was. Violetta had to run it through a software program before attempting to hack it again and after eight tries, managed it. 

Then, using ctrl + F to look up, she started to type out the phone number, starting with the Ohio zip code: 513. 

Immediately, there were four hits. Every single one of them dated back to way before, like back before Penny was even around. They were the same number though: (513)-347-1111. Lucinda Nelsons' phone number. 

Violetta immediately zipped the file and sent it off to Fury with an anonymous email. Then she looked into Rumlow's phone files. There were plenty more calls to Lucinda in Brock Rumlows' phone file. Vi was honestly surprised that Fury hadn't looked into it. 

Unless. . . 

Vi bit the nail on her thumb, thinking. If someone on the inside could hide the phone number files, then Fury wouldn't have known about them period. But it had to be someone close inside on the investigation and it had to be someone that would want to protect Rumlow. 

What if they were soulmates? 

Vi straightened up, looking up Rumlow's file but once again, it was to coded and protected for her to access it digitally. If she went to SHIELD headquarters now, she might be able to get her hands on the paper ones. 

She stood up in excitement and turned around, before shouting in fear. Natasha was standing there, eight months pregnant and with a death glare. 

"Nat! What the hell!" Vi shouted, hearting slamming in her chest. "Give a girl some warning!" 

"What are you doing Violetta?" Natasha asked and Vi knew she was in trouble, because Natasha never, ever called her Violetta. Natasha's eyes were also shimmering, like she might cry. "Tell me you aren't the spy Violetta." 

Vi's mouth dropped and her heart sank in sadness. She knew she looked suspicious so she couldn't blame Nat. She was down here, in a place she never was, while everyone else was somewhere else, searching for something on the computer. 

"No Nat." Vi whispered, sitting back down in the chair. "No, I- I think I actually found the spy." 

Nat shifted on her feet, looking hesitant. "Well, lay it on me." 

"Okay." Vi murmured and showed her what she had found with the phone numbers and how Sharon and Rumlow had been called and had called the number several times. "The only problem," Vi said now, "Is that Sharon could be completely innocent. Rumlow and her were close. He could've simply borrowed her phone to call Lucinda on it. It might also have been a way for him to dump suspicion on her." 

"And the dates that the number was called all date back to before Rumlow was dead." Nat nodded. 

"Exactly. But, Sharon told me yesterday that Fury had called her and that she's supposed to be on the hunt for the spy. But look," Vi said, pointing. "Fury hasn't called her in three days. She called him once, and that was the day before yesterday. So either she lied, or she has another phone." 

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