I. Said. No.

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This is probably the best AI generated out of all of them so far. I mean, this Elijah is much uglier than my face claim, but the art is decent at the very least. And they got the fluffy hair down perfectly. Love the fire as well ngl. 

🎍👢 𝔰ţoℝу 🪴🎋

"You are a fucking bastard." Loki seethed as he confronted Heimdall in the sphere that contained the Bifrost. Loki had come with every intention of taking the information from Heimdall, no matter the fight he had to encounter to do it. But he was hoping that Heimdall would just give him the information.

"Just tell me." Loki pretty much snarled. "It can't possibly be that hard, you already told a fucking book. I want to know the spy, I want to know about her seeing the future, I want to know all of it."

"No." Heimdall said deeply, not even turning around to look at Loki.

Loki's hands curled into fists and he glared at the back of the all seeing God. "Why not? Because of a future that could happen or could be changed? What's so important in this future that we cannot protect her from the spy? The spy has hidden long enough."

"No." Heimdall repeated.

Loki lunged at Heimdall and was unsurprised when Heimdall swung around to block Loki's attack, countering every single one of his attacks, before hitting him in the gut with the butt of his sword, sending Loki down the flight of stairs.

"I. Said. No." Heimdall seethed, slamming the sword into the ground. Loki looked up from where he was sprawled on the stone in surprise as the normally stoic God took off his helmet. Loki saw now that he had tears in his yellow eyes.

"Do you think this is easy?" Heimdall asked. "Seeing her die, the only woman I have ever truly loved? Even knowing that she would come back through Elijah? Do you think it was easy, foreseeing the rape, foreseeing that another man would wear Elijahs' face to punish her through the group? It wasn't easy, I tried to ease it though."

Heimdall placed his helmet on the sword, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked like a normal man now, now that he wasn't hidden behind his armor and stoicism. "And yes, Laufeyson, for a future. A happier one. I could tell you the spy now. I really could. And the future would be a dark and bleak one ahead. And yes, more tragedy has to happen for this happier future, but it's a happy one."

"More deaths." Loki murmured softly. "I can't do anymore deaths."

"I can't answer you." Heimdall said, running a finger against the helmet. "I could. I truly could. Do you want to risk all of it? Maybe you do, it's going to be a hard road for you in particular. With your past catching up to you."

Loki glared at the golden-eyed God. "Fine. Fine. Keep your secrets Heimdall. But if this future doesn't come as you promise, you will be the first to taste my blade."

Heimdall didn't react, only picking his helmet back up in his hands, his tears shedded and gone.

Loki stared at the back of the God as he once more picked up his sword and place. "Why haven't you come down to see her yet? If you love her so much?"

"Because I cannot stand to see the unrecognition in her eyes when she looks at me, void of love." Heimdall answered simply. And with that, Loki couldn't fault him one bit.

🤥🍱 ρ𝐎V ¢𝔥𝓪ⓃG乇 ✋🍃

Penny knocked softly on Wanda's door and waited a moment before she heard the heavily accented voice of the girl behind the door tell her to come in.

Penny opened the door to find Wanda, Vision, and Pietro in the room, the three of them on the bed together.

"Hey." Penny said softly. "Are you guys. . . how are you guys feeling?"

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