The Start of a Family

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Bucky was seriously worried about Elizabeth. Bucky had a hard time trusting himself, trusting that he knew his own strength. He was constantly worried that he'd hurt someone, physically or mentally. So when he'd found out that Elizabeth would never safe word, no matter what, he felt like he couldn't trust her.

But more importantly, he couldn't trust himself.

The following day, he and Steve were working out in the training room. Steve was the best one for Bucky to fight against, because Steve was the only one besides the Gods who could really handle him if he couldn't hold his strength back.

There were others in the training room too, of course. Elizabeth was sitting in a corner by herself. Clint, Katya, and Kate were all in the archery part of the range, comparing shots and competing. Natasha and Violetta were meeting up with Yelena and surprisingly Sharon.

Sam was there was well, fighting against Bruce, which made Bucky nervous. It wasn't so much that the two of them were fighting. It was more like Sam was attempting to teach Bruce how to fight without the Hulk, just in case. But Bucky was still nervous that Bruce would transform and the Hulk would hurt Sam.

He had thought that Penny would be down here, but she was nowhere to be seen and neither was Loki or Thor. But then again, none of the Asgardians were down here, so maybe they'd gone back to Asgard or something.

"You're not concentrating Buck." Steve said as Bucky pushed himself back off the floor, standing in front of Steve. "What's going on?"

Bucky glanced over once more to where Elizabeth was creating water sphere's out of nothing. Or- attempting to. They were weak and she was barely holding them. He'd never seen her powers give out like this before.

"Steve, I'm worried about Elizabeth." Bucky admitted. "I-"

"Hey, you know that it wasn't you that made her need to safe word- if she had safe worded." Steve said with a slight frown, his voice softer now in reassurance. "You're not going to hurt her, you know that."

"Quite frankly, I don't. And neither do you." Bucky hissed, clenching and unclenching his metal fist.

Steve's voice took a much firmer tone. "Buck knock it off. Shuri took all of that out of your head. Okoye tested it. T'Challa tested it. You know the three of them wouldn't have let you come back here if they weren't positive. You can never be controlled again. You're free."

"Not from the strength." Bucky muttered, sitting down on the bench, putting his head in his hands. "I can't control this arm Steve. Sometimes I find that the grip is harder on something than I thought it was."

Steve put an arm around Bucky's shoulder, pulling him close. "Oh Buck."

Bucky shook his head and looked at Steve, "But that wasn't what I was talking about. Look at her Steve, tell me what you see."

Bucky and Steve watched as Elizabeth's hands seemed to shake, trying to keep the water sphere moving, keeping a stone inside of it, trying to keep it from falling through. The water smashed everywhere and Bucky could tell she was on the verge of tears.

Steve stood up. "What in the world?"

"Steve, remember when she said that she didn't feel good yesterday?" Bucky muttered quietly. "What if it was more than her just being sore? And then I pushed it away because I was angry with her-"

"Stop." Steve said sternly. "I brushed it off too. Now, let's stop standing here and go and see-"

"James." A silky voice said from behind the two of them and they both turned to see Loki sauntering over.

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