Chapter 9

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Sorry for not updating. I am busy with school holiday homework. Please vote. I love to read your comments. Gonna update after 170+ votes. Till then stay tuned and Take care of yourself. Stay hydrated buddies.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Yours Truly
Author A


Morning came
No one pov
7:00 a.m.

Becky is the one the to Wake up first. She took a warm shower to wash away her tiredness. She wore a robe after bathing so that she doesn't repeat the mistake again.(≧▽≦)

She went inside the closest and wore a pink outfit for office.

While changing she heard the bathroom door open." Freen must have woken up" Becky thought to herself.

She wore the dress and went down. She didn't find Freen on the bed indicating Freen has gone to take a bath. She went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

She made some pancakes and scrambled eggs. She also made some milk tea for herself and some black coffee for Freen.

"From childhood this bunny doesn't like sweet things" Becky remembered smiling while making the black coffee for her wife.

While plating the food she heard footsteps. She knew it was Freen.

Freen came inside the kitchen room and saw Becky arranging the food.

" Do you need any help." FREEN voice was cold but Becky turned back and gave her a smile.

" No I am already done. Just take the plates to the dining table" Becky replied. Freen took both of the plates and went to the dining table. Becky follow her with the drinks on her hand.

Both of them sat at the table. Becky gave Freen the black coffee.

" How did you know I like black coffee" Freen asked sipping her drink. Freen actually liked it. It's perfect.

" I know everything about you my Bunny" Becky replied sipping her milk tea.

"Mu bunny this nickname.... No no I am just assuming too much" Freen thought to herself.

They ate their breakfast and headed to the office in the SAME car.
At the office
Becky Pov

I am here at the office arranging boss schedule today.

(A/n: It's Bunny Becky)

" At work it's Boss. Let's keep it formal okay" I replied to the annoying author. She knows everything that will happen in future but she won't say it to me. Aish.

(A/n: Okay okay I am going I have works anyway)

She vanished. She can come whenever she wants and go back whenever she wants.

Today Ms Nita is coming to office for some work. I heard that she is tall and beautiful.

Freen is working on her laptop right now. She looks so cute and adorable.

(A/n: Awww so sweet)

Author go back otherwise I am gonna kill you. I thought and she vanished. She can read everyone's thoughts too.

We heard a knock on the door.

" Yes come in" Freen replied. Then I saw a lady walking in dressing elegantly. Then I saw Freen sat up and went towards her.

" Nice to meet you Nita" Freen said and offer a handshake.

" Same her Freen" she replied. But she hugged Freen. Freen didn't hugged her back tho. What do you expect she is MY WIFE.

" Not a hugger I see" Nita said and smiled at her. Freen gve her the fakest smile ever.

I am squealing inside. Yayy!!!

Then they sat down. Freen showed her the laptop and they were discussing about work. I also focused on my work. But time to time I would steal glances.

This Lady is getting on my nerves. She is trying to hold Freen's hand and making it look like an accident. She is failing every time tho.

The audacity of this lady to flirt with Freen after knowing Freen is married. Gosh I wanna kill her.

(A/n: I don't object)

Aish this author again

" Yah do you want me to end up in jail" I replied to her. It's mind speaking okay.

(A/n: But Freen has more than enough money to save you)

She replied back. Wait she is eating a sandwich.

" Yes I know but then also no" I replied back. She vanished again. Gosh.

Then I saw both of them again. Nita is obviously FLIRTING with Freen. But Freen is keeping it all formal. That's my Bunny.
After an hour finally this lady is going.

" Bye Freen I don't know how a hour pass by so soon" That Nita girl said to Freen smiling like an dumb bitch.

" Yess bye" Freen said. Then I saw Nita go out of the office.

Pfft Finally I can work peacefully now.

Freen went back to do her work.
At 8:00 p.m
No one pov

Today Freenbecky have a family gathering with both of their parents. At a five star restaurant

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