Chapter 3

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After a few days of their meet up.

Today is the wedding day of Freen and Becky. People have already entered the venue. The place where the wedding will be held is pretty huge and is decorated with scented flowers.

 The place where the wedding will be held is pretty huge and is decorated with scented flowers

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The place is surrounded by the friends of the Armstrong family and Chankimha family

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The place is surrounded by the friends of the Armstrong family and Chankimha family.
Tee , Jimm and Yuki are also present their dressing beautifully.

The wedding dress theme was pink and white. (Despite Freen objections who wanted it to be black).

Back to the people

" The day has finally came. My beloved granddaughter is getting married" said Freen's grandma.

" Its a pleasure to let our Becky marry Freen" replied Mr Armstrong

" Its our pleasure too" said Freen's dad

" Aunty please call freen and becky. The wedding shall be started in a few minutes." Said Yuki to Becky's mother.

" Yes wait I am calling them" replied Becky's mother.

She told someone to call both of them. Freen was called and then made stand on the stage. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress.(despite the objections she made.)

Then a few seconds later. Becky came walking with her dad. She was wearing a white wedding dress.

"She looks beautiful" thought Freen

Loud cheering can be heard as Becky walked in. Freen didn't realize she was staring at Becky until Becky reached the stage.

" I hereby give all the responsibility of my beloved daughter Becky to your hands" Mr Armstrong said giving his daughter hands on Freen's hands.

" I will take care of your daughter. I promise that." Said freen. Her tone was cold but full of truth.

" Do you take Becky Armstrong as your beloved wife" asked the priest

" Yes I do" replied Freen

" Do you take Freen Soracha Chankimha as your beloved wife." Asked the priest

" Yes I do" said becky

" Now please exchange your rings" said the priest

" Now please exchange your rings" said the priest

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(A/n: Their wedding rings)

They exchanged their rings and the guest cheered them up.

" Now please give your vows" said the priest

First one to say was Becky. She gain the courage and then finally spoke.

"I promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. I pledge to honor you, love you, and cherish you as my husband today and every day. Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad." Said Becky

"Today, surrounded by all of your loved ones, I choose you to be my wife. I vow to support you, inspire you, and care for you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side-for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer." Said Freen

" I love you" said becky out of a sudden. Freen heart beated fast and told her to response.

" I love you more" said Freen.

Becky hugged Freen and Freen hugged her back. Their friends and family cheered them up. After so many years Freen had smiled again(not fake smile).

 After so many years Freen had smiled again(not fake smile)

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I guess I have fallen for her thought freen

I love you even more now freen thought Becky

Then they had some photoshoot.

Then they had some photoshoot

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The wedding was peaceful and now there's a new chapter going to start in Freenbecky's life

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The wedding was peaceful and now there's a new chapter going to start in Freenbecky's life.

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