Chapter 30.1🔞🔞🔞

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It's already Night right and Freenbecky just finished their dinner.

Obviously Freen Cooked because she didn't wanted her princess to get tired. She(Freen) even washed the dishes. Becky was now sitting infront of the mirror thinking to do her skincare routine when she saw Freen coming inside the room. They smiled at each other through the room.

" Babe.. if you don't mind can I ask you something...??" Freen asked as she back hug her wife from the back.

Becky held her hands which were wrapped around her slim waist.

" Hmmm... You can ask anything babe... No need to ask.." Becky replied smiling

" Well then... Undress yourself and let's get a bath together..." Freen said and walked towards the bathroom leaving Becky mouth agape. After not getting a reply from her she looked back

" Babe..." Freen called

Becky regain her senses and shut her agape mouth and replied " Yess I am going"

After Five mins...

Freen has already set the bathtub with warm water and made a nice warm bubble bath for both of them. Freen threw all her clothes together with her under garments and settled in the bathtub waiting for her wife....

On the other side

Becky tied her hair into a messy bun while she had wore a white robe without anything underneath....

She then went inside the bathroom and saw Freen sitting inside it comfortably.

Freen signaled her with her index finger to come inside while looking at her.

Becky slowly took of her bathrobe while letting it fall down as she shined in her naked glory.

Freen tried her best to not drool at the heavenly body of her wife.

Becky made her way inside and sat on the opposite side facing Freen...

Becky seemed nervous as if they didn't just fuck yesterday...

" Babe come over here" Freen said while pointing at her lap.

Becky looked at her...

" I will rub your back" Freen replied while. So Becky went over and sat on her lap and tried to ignore the feeling of Freen's cock resting below her ass.

Freen took some soap and rubbed her back soothingly and also massaged her shoulders earing a small moan from her wife as she (Becky) leaned back .

Freen was definitely turned on by that small moan.

Becky tilted and head and met Freen's gaze. Becky felt hot just by looking at her wife's face . Freen was driving her crazy...

Freen slowly leaned in and kissed. Becky took a few seconds to respond. The small kiss now turned into a Passionate one.

Gonna update next when this part gets ;

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Till then stay tuned 😜

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