Chapter 25

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Nop stood there. The atmosphere became silent until Becky spoke

" Nop... It's just our marriage was quick and I didn't get to inform many of my Friends including you..." Becky stated. Nop somehow felt hurt knowing he was just a friend to Becky while Becky was the love of his life.

" Ohh's okay...." Nop said giving a fake smile. Freen cleared her Throat.

" Becky I think we should go you know it's already late" Freen said and Becky gave her a nod.

" Nop I guess we will get going now" Becky said and was about to leave when Nop spoke up again..

" Maybe we can exchange numbers.... Yk I will be staying here in Thailand so we could meet up tomorrow or something" Nop said smiling and Becky thought for a while. She then agreed with Nop.

Freen was seriously angry with this Nop guy.
At Freenbecky Mansion

" Bunny..... Bunny...... BUNNY"

" Hah... Yess"

" What are you thinking about huh"

" Nothing...."

" Your face says the total opposite" Becky said as she stood infront of her wife. The whole ride to their home Freen was completely silent. Freen now also was spacing out.

" It's just.... Nothing... " Freen replied again and Becky thought again for some reason about why Freen seems upset.

" Are you perhaps jealous about Nop.." Becky asked making Freen turn around her face. Freen was sitting on the edge of their bed while Becky was standing infront of her.

" I... Nahh... No" Freen replied shuttering making Becky giggle.

" Awww my bunny is jealous Woohoo" Becky said making Freen pout. Hahaha 🤣

Becky sat on Freen lap and made Freen face her. Freen has her head hung low.

" Bunny look into my eyes..... Baby..... Darling..... Love look up.." Becky called Freen in several nicknames and Freen finally looked up.

" Bunny he is just a friend nothing more okay" Becky said assuring Freen. Freen still had a frown.

" But... But he obviously doesn't consider you as a friend....." Freen replied and Becky sighed a little.

" No matter what love he will only be a friend.... Now don't sulk bunny... Let's sleep okay" Becky said softly reassuring her wife. Freen agreed with her.

They slept cuddling with each other.
On another side

In a room

Nop stared at his wall full of Becky pictures. He smirked while looking at them.

" You will be mine Becky only mine no one else .... I will make sure of that" He stated as he tore a picture of Becky and her wife together. He laughed crazily as he burnt Freen picture.

" I will make you mine"


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