Chapter 26

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Hey guys it's me your stupid author. Sorry for not updating.

First I had fever, then we had parents teachers meeting at school due to which I got good beating from my parents and at last I have pink eyes right now.. It's hard to see anything properly.....

So yeah a short one....

Enjoy reading ☺️☺️

The Next day

Freenbecky are now outside a famous mall in Thailand to meet Nop....

Yes, Nop and Becky are here meeting today. Nop has came back after a long period of time so he needs to adjust to a new country that's why they are here to help him. Or that's what they thought.....

Freen Pov

Me and my sweet wife are here right now infront of this mall. I didn't wanted to come here but I just can't let Becky alone with That Nop guy....

I don't have a good feeling towards him. His face is enough to make me angry or annoyed....

I am here just to accompany my wife. As I just can't say no to this lovely, cute and sweet human being beside me....

" Hey" I saw Becky waving towards that stupid creature and him also waving back. He came towards us smiling at us. No, he was just smiling towards Becky.

He came near and seemed like he was about to hug Becky but I stood infront of my wife.

" Hope you are good" I said using my cold voice. Yes I am only sweet with Becky and My friends not with stupid creatures like this guy...

" Yess I am, Thanks for asking" he said.

He handed Becky a small bag. Becky opened it to find a Boba tea inside it.

"Thanks Nop for this" Becky said smiling. He smiled back saying" It's not a big deal"

Geez he is so annoying......

He and Becky then chitchat a bit. I cleared my thorat indicating them to let's go inside.

They seem to know this as they went inside. I followed them from behind...

I went beside Becky and held her hand. She also held mine without any objection. I pulled her closer creating a great distance between her and that guy.....


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