Chapter 11

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After the dinner

Freenbecky went to their home. They enjoyed talking with the family and eating with them. It's already night now. Bed time. They have to go to work tomorrow. Becky sat on the bed and Freen went to take a shower.

" I am so tired" Becky said as she yawned. She lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

After 15 minutes. Freen came out dressed in her Pajama. She saw Becky sleeping peacefully.

" So no more hugs today" Freen thought to herself.

(A/n: why? can't sleep you sleep without hugging her.)

" For God sake leave me alone for sometime" Freen said to the annoying author.

(A/n: Remember I am always watching)

With that the author disappeared. Leaving Freen in deep thinking.

" Is she right.. no it will never happen. Or maybe. I am gonna sleep" Freen thought and laid beside Becky. She fell asleep.
Becky's Pov

I saw bunny(the animals) running here and there. The place is so peaceful and quite. I am here playing in the swing. Cool wind was blowing. Then suddenly the wind started blowing first. The swing started to get imbalance.

So I groped the rope tightly. It was soft but it slowly turned hard. I heard a groan and fell something groping my hand. My eyes quickly opened ans I sat up.

Fuck I just grabbed Freen's thing(you know). She also sat up. Our eyes met. My whole face became red and the same goes to Freen.

She then ran inside the bathroom.

" Fuck" I cursed. I slapped myself for a few minutes.

What have I done. How can I explain if she ask me about this. She is not gonna believe me. I so so sooo Dumb. But why did she ran to the bathroom.

Let me try to sleep so that I can forget about it. I layed on the bed.
Freen's Pov

I sat on the toilet. Trying to make myself calm.

" Is she fucking crazy or what" I asked myself. Like why would she do that. She just can't be dreaming and doing all this. Right

Is she pervert. Who wanted to get me hard. No no she looks too innocent for that. Then why. I sat on the toilet and started working.

(A/n: She isn't masturbating dirty minded people. She's just calming her heart beat.)

After a few minutes I walk out of the bathroom. I saw this girl sleeping. Like what the actual fuck. I then went to the cabinet to grab a sleeping pill. Because my mind will clearly run the incident again and again making me overthink. After eating the 💊. I went to sleep.

Becky Pov

I heard the bathroom door open. I pretend to sleep to not make it awkward. I heard footsteps towards the cabinet. I slowly opened one of my eyes. Freen is taking sleeping pill.

She came beside me and slept peacefully. After a few minutes after confirming she's asleep. I turned to face her.

"She looks so cute and beautiful even when sleeping" I thought to myself. I kissed her cheeks. Her cheeks are so fluffy just like before. I love her so so much. Only if she still has her memories. I miss her bubbly side.
No one pov

Becky fell asleep after a few minutes. She was so tired. Same goes to Freen. The atmosphere may be awkward tomorrow. But for now all that matters is them getting some nice sleep.
Tomorrow is holiday but both of them have forgotten it.

A/n: Thank you so much for so many votes and views. It really helps a lot. Lots of love my cute buddies. Take care of yourself and stay hydrated.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤❤️❤️❤️❤️

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