Chapter 13

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Freen and Becky are now sitting on a bench eating ice cream. It's already evening right now.

Freen suddenly handed a box to Becky.

" What is this bunny" Becky asked.

" Well it's a little present for you" Freen replied not meeting the gaze of Becky.

Becky opened it. She smiled widely after seeing the gift.

" Thank you very much Bunny" Becky replied giving her a gummy smile. 😁

" Actually I also bought this for you" Becky handed a gift to Freen. Freen opened it to see a brand new Rolex watch.

(A/n: A rich couple)

" Thank you" Freen said to Becky. Becky smiled again.


At their home 🏡

" Bunny do you want this" Becky gestured as she showed a chocolate to Freen.

" No you eat it" Freen said

" Okie" Becky replied cutely. She focused on the t.v. again.

Freen head suddenly started to hurt.

" Bunny do you want some" A small and cute girl said as she offered some chocolate to a little girl but taller than her.

" No bb you eat it. I bought it for you" the taller girl said and smiled.

" Okie" the shorter one said and started to eat her chocolate.

" So cute" the taller one said as she pinched her cheeks giggling on how cute the other girl can be.

" Bunny stop pinching my cheeks time to time" the shorter girl whined.

" But you look so cute" The taller replied and then giggled. The shorter one also giggled with her.

" Ouch my head" Freen sat their holding her head. She winced in pain. Becky noticed it and tried to help Freen

" What happened Freen" Becky asked worried.

" My head hurts" Freen said. She wanted to lay somewhere. Becky layed her in the sofa and then rushed to get some pain killer. She came
and layed Freen's head on her lap. She make her sallow the medicine.

" It hurts so much" Freen said wincing in pain. Becky massaged her head. Freen lay on Becky lap getting comfortable. After a few more minutes Freen fell asleep.

" Is she getting her memories back" Becky thought to herself as she massaged Freen's head. The doctor said that Freen will have headaches when she start getting her memory back. She continued massaging her head. She also fell asleep there.

(A/n: A short one. I am doing a big time skip in the next chapter to where Freen have gained feelings for Becky. Otherwise the story will get boring. Stay tuned. Lots of love)

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