Chapter 5

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Becky Pov

I waked up feeling Freen's hot breath Touch my neck. I looked down and found her completely asleep. She looks like a child while sleeping. I pinched her cheeks a bit and kissed her forehead. I was about to get up but I fell her hugging me more. After a few minutes her grip losses and I got out of bed. I went to brush my teeth and then take a shower.
30 minutes later.
I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrap around my body. I went near the mirror in front of our bed and started drying my hair.
No one Pov

Freen woke up and rubbed her eyes. She open her eyes only to find Becky in front of the mirror with just a towel around her body. WTF

" What are you doing" Freen asked her. She turned around to Face Freen but her towel which was a bit loose didn't support her and fell down. Both of them eyes widen. Freen put her hands in front of her eyes. Becky quickly picked up her towel and wrapped it around her.

" I a-m go--ing to we.. wear some-thing" Becky shuttered and ran inside the closet.

Freen opened her eyes her face all red and still processing everything that just happened.

" Oh gosh!!" Freen thought to herself holding her head. Becky came out fully dressed and ran outside. She didn't even dare to look at the older girl.

Freen went inside the bathroom and did her daily routine. She then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

" I made.... you so-me french toast" Becky said still shuttering. She was still avoiding eye contact.

" Okay" Freen replied and sat down to eat same goes to Becky. Both of them ate in completely silence.
At Freen's Company

Becky is Freen's new personal assistant. Little did they know things are gonna change.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for the late update. Lot's of love. Stay tuned for the next chapters.😊😊💓💓

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