Chapter 22

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Thanks For so much love and support. Keep supporting guys. ( ◜‿◝ )♡😊😊❤️❤️

My exams are gonna start. So I have to focus more on studies. As marks really matter to my parents. So I can't update for a while. I will try to update but it will be short.

Enjoy reading . 😚😚

10:00 a.m
At Freenbecky Office Building 🏢

Becky was standing near the printer. She was printing some documents which have to be signed by Freen. While she was printing the last few pages.

" Hey Becky" Freen said from behind startling Becky. Becky didn't knew that Freen was behind her from past few minutes.

" Yes Boss" Becky said keeping it formal. Freen gave her a smile.

" Come to my office after you finish with your work... Okay" Freen said giving her a little smirk after that. Becky looked at her.

" Okay boss. I am going in a bit." Becky replied giving her a smile. Freen gave her a nod and went towards her office. Becky stood there and arranged the pages. She went near the manager desk and asked him to take care of the file.

" Yes Mam" The manager replied keeping the file safely. Becky then went to drink some water. After drinking water she went to Freen's office.

She opened the door to find no one. So she took a few steps inside. Suddenly

Two strong hands hug her from behind. Becky recognise the sweet smell of her lover.

" What are doing Freen" Becky said giggling as Freen wrap her hands more around her waist.

" Can't I hug my sweet wifey" Freen asked. Becky smiled at the statement.

" But you were the only one who asked to be professional in work bunny" Becky teased a bit.

" Oh yeah.... I am taking my words back then" Freen said. She turned Becky around as Becky wrap her arms around her neck.

Freen pulled Becky for a sweet passionate kiss.
Becky response was quick. They kissed there while unconsciously walking towards Freen's desk. The older one make Becky sit at a tall chair. The kiss broke for a few seconds as they gasp for air.

But Freen was quick to kiss her again. Freen smiled when Becky responded quickly. Becky then pull out of the kiss.

" If there's nothing for me to do here. Then it's better if I go and work" Becky said making Freen frown.

" We can always work later baby" Freen said whining. Becky giggled

" Didn't expect to here this from you boss" Becky teased her making Freen whine more.
Freen hid her face in the crook of Becky's neck.

" Ohh my baby don't whine" Becky said as she pat Freen's head. Freen hugged her more and Becky hugged her back. They stood there enjoying each other embrace.

Suddenly a memory of their childhood was remember by Becky. Becky heard Freen more tight.

Flashback 📸📸

Winter Season❄️❄️

" Bunny " The little girl said as she hugged her Friend or best friend to be exact. The older girl hugged her back.

" BB what happened" The older girl asked as she hugged the other girl. The little girl just hugged her more.

" Nothing I just love hugging you Bunny"

" Aww so cute" the older girl said pinching her cheek and then giggling afterwards.

" Let's go inside BB you might catch a cold if you stay outside" with that she dragged the girl inside.

The evening went with them sitting near the fire place and drinking hot Chocolate.


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