Chapter 30 🔞🔞🔞

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Becky was now sitting on Freen lap while facing her. Freen was holding her slim waist with firm hands and the younger girl wrapped her arms around her neck keeping her closer to her.

They both were kissing each other like their lives depend on it.

Freen bit the lower lip of Becky earning a moan. She took this as a golden opportunity to insert her warm tongue inside her wife's hot mouth earning another moan from the younger.

One of Freen mischievous hand left Becky's waist and travelled upwards until it reach her wife's boob. She started pinching her nipples turning her hand.

They broke the kiss as Becky couldn't handle her moans as Freen's skillful hands played with her breasts.

Freen soon attacked her exposed cleavage and started nipping there. Becky held her head with her two hands while moaning continuously.

" Mmmm.... Shit... Freen... baby"

Freen looked up to her and they held a eye contact with their burning desires.

" You don't know what you are doing to me Becky.... You are making me feel things no one has ever made me feel..."

Becky as a reply just kissed her deeply. That was enough to make Freen loose all her control.

Both of their body was on fire. They felt this strong sexual desire towards each other. But the love never left. This combination of love and lust was making them go crazy as they devour each other offering themselves completely to each other....

" Fuck I can't anymore Princess... I need to feel you" Freen whispered dirtly near her wife's ear and bit her earlobe afterwards sending chills throughout her body. Becky pulled Freen more closer and whispered

" Then take me.... What are you waiting for huh...??" Becky asked seductively. Freen mumbled a fuck as her dick turned hard.

" Mmmmm.... Shit baby you're so hard.... Oh god..." Becky moaned as she felt Freen rubbing her dick head to her clit. Freen growled before making Becky sit on her cock completely and swallowing it with her hot and wet pussy...

" Oh God.... Fre---Freen.... Baby... Mmm" Becky moaned as she help her wife closer and moaned continuously...

Becky's Pov

Our body tangeled with each other. us becoming more warm with the warm water.
I can't help but whimper with every sink of her teeth on my neck. Her hands  grasp my hips and plung me down on ger bare cock. Upon having contact I grinned continuously on her and dragging my slit on her length....

" Becky..." Her breath become rag as I arched my boobs near her face. She didn't hesitate to catch my nipples and suck them like a hungry baby...

Her smooth tongue kept rolling and taking my sensitive nub between her teeth time to time...

It was painful yet pleasure full and I can't help the arise of my voice. She is so good at this. she knows how to pleasure me. She knew my weakness and my sweet spots.

Her grip on my butt harderns as I start bouncing on her. I was determined to satisfy her and my needs...

I was myself startled on how loud I was.

She smacked her lips on mine as she continued to explore my mouth with her warm tongue. I began to tremble. So, Freen held my waist to keep me still.

" Princess" I didn't let her finish as I took her hands and place it on the sides on the bathtub amd bounced continuously. I let her watch how I fucked myself on ger hard cock.

She thrust her hips to match to match my bouncing...

I started to tremble again as small tears of pleasure escaped my eyes..

Her strong hands grip my hair as she pulled me closer and thrusted roughly. I moaned loudly from the over simulation as she continued to nib on my sensitive nipples...

She took her mouth from my boobs and stared at me while thrusting more fast than before...

" how does it feel... Princess"

" It feels so...oh god... soooo goood... mmm baby..."

A familiar knot began to form in my stomach I looked at Freen to see her face scrunched up in pure pleasure. I clenched around her as I was near to cumming.

" Fuck..... Princess" She growled as she fasten up my face. we both hugged each other as we both reched our high. My body felt like jelly and I fell forward. Thank god she catched me in my her strong arms. She rubbed my back soothing me as she kissed my head.

" I love you So Much" I heard her say before I fell asleep

No one's Pov

Freen cleaned both of them and went to bed while carrying Becky in bridal style as her princess passed out due to too much tiredness after their love making ....

Both were too tired to wear anything. so they slept inside the thick blanket as they cuddled each other's naked body.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know in the comments how you think this chapter is...

Even If My Goal For Last Chapter Have not been achieved I am still posting It.

I am not that good at written so bear with me 😂😂

Goal For This Chapter:

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Gonna update after my goal for this and the previous chapter is achieved...

Btw can I get a follow... 👉👈

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