Chapter 7

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Freen and Becky are here in the party. The newly married couple are looking so beautiful and elegant in their outfits. They have came in Freen's new car which is very expensive. Many media reporters were their. Flash 📸 increased as the most Rich ceo in Thailand has just arrived with her partner.

 Flash 📸 increased as the most Rich ceo in Thailand has just arrived with her partner

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They got out of the car. Then the party holder came and gestured them inside.

Inside the revenue. It was filled with many Big CEO of Thailand. Many CEOs were Freen's friend. So after seeing Freen they came near her with their respective partners.

" Hey Freen it's been a long time" One of the CEO told as they shook hands.

" Yeah obviously" Freen said as she smiled.

" Mind introducing us to your wife " another CEO asked.

" Oh sorry.... So meet my wife Rebecca Patrica Chankimha or Becky in short" Freen introduced.

Becky was feeling butterflies in her stomach as she heard Freen calling her her's WIFE. She's so happy. She shook hands with the Ceos and their wife.

" I am Heidi and this is my wife Tina"

" I am Engfa and this is my wife Charlotte"

" Nice meeting you all" Becky said smiling.

Heidi and Engfa are Freen's family friends and really close friends to Freen since childhood.

The party started the Ceos went a little bit far to talk with the others leaving their wives together.

Becky Pov

Freen, Engfa and Heidi just went to the other side to talk to other Ceos about business obviously like enjoy the party first duh. (Insert a eye roll)

" Hey you're pacing out" Charlotte said. I snapped back.

" Uhh sorry.." I said a bit embarassed

" No, it's okay" Tina said.

" How is Freen towards you" Chat asked suddenly I looked at her for a bit and then answered

" You know she's like this only a bit cold to me but it's okay. She always work" I replied

" You know. No one ever imagined Freen marriage this early. She was like I am already married to my work" Tina said and laughed along with Char.

" Well she still loves her work more" Becky joined them.

" But I guess you can change that" Char said and I gave her a nod. Let's see where faith takes us.
10:30 p.m.
No one pov

The party is about to end.

Char and Tina have gone near their wives leaving Becky alone near the Bar. Becky just sat there vibing to the current music that is being played. She watched Freen who is busy Talking to other Ceos. Not like Freen is completely ignoring the younger one. She came in the middle and stayed near Becky but she has to go after the others continuously called her.

" Such a workaholic wife I have" Becky thought to herself.

No one dared to approach Becky in a flirting way as everyone knew she was Freen's wife and what Freen can do. A few minutes past with Becky admiring her wife from afar. Suddenly....

" Hey there beautiful. Are you alone?" A man in his late 30s asked. He is obviously drunk.

" No. I am here with my WIFE" Becky replied emphasizing the word wife.

" Ohh.. but that doesn't stop me" The man said and laughed. He gulped another tequila shot and faced Becky again

" Would you like to join me. I am alone here anyways" The man said smiling like a creep towards Becky.

" No. Thank you" Becky said giving the fakest smile ever.

" Oh come on I can take you to great heights beautiful" The man said and winked at her which Becky found disgusting.

Becky stood up not interested to talk to that drunk man. The man also stood up.

" I have to go" Becky told and turned back. After taking a few steps the man suddenly hold her hand.

" No one has ever rejected me" The man said sternly

" I guess it just changed" Becky gave the man a smirk.

" Your gonna pay for this you bitch" The man said and grabbed Becky wrist more tightly. Becky was in pain

" Hey leave my wife alone" A stern and cold voice was heard. Both of them turned right to find Freen standing there.

Freen went near them and freed Becky. She then faced the man.

" How dare you asshole??!" Freen said and slapped the man hard in his face. The man winced in pain.

" You..." the man was about to do something but Freen kicked him in his stomach. The man fell back on the floor.

She went bend down.

" You Deserve this" Freen said and punched the man's face . She turned back and hold Becky's hand and drag her outside. She gave the driver money so that he can take a taxi and she will drive.

Becky already forgot about the man after seeing Freen protecting her and most importantly fight for her.

Freen started the engine and drove the car. Becky was seeing the older one face and was continuously smiling from ear to ear.

After a few minutes

" Why are you smiling like that??" Freen asked her.

" Well what you just did is making me so happy" Becky replied smiling.

" If there was any one else I would have also protect them. Geez" Freen replied back facing Becky and then again to the road.

" But you won't have called them MY WIFE" Becky said emphasizing the word My wife.

" Yeah yeah whatever" Freen fired back and increased the speed a little.

" Annoying bunny" Becky mumbled.

" I heard that okay" Freen said. Becky didn't reply and looked out of the window.

(A/n: should I make this story gip??)

I will update the next part after this book completes 110+ votes. Till then stay tuned

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