Chapter 28 🔞🔞🔞

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Freen and Beck were both laying in the sofa with Freen between Beck legs as Becky just calmed from her first ever orgasm. Freen tongue fucked her...

Beck could feel the Thai girl's erection even though Freen had her boxers on.

" Mmm... Freennn..." Becky moaned as Freen unconsciously rubbed her clothed erection in Becky's now wet pussy....

Freen Caressed Becky's cheek as she look lovingly at her. She whispered

" You're so beautiful sweetheart"

Becky looked away blushing. Freen held her chin and made eye contact with her...

" So beautiful that you can take my breath away just by your beauty" Freen said more lovingly as Becky blushed more. She mumbled a small thank you as she was shy.

" You're always welcome baby" Freen said as she kissed Becky again while pinching her nipples earning a moan from the younger.

" Let the real game begin" Freen said as she removed her boxer letting her monster spring out. Becky gasped and blushed more seeing Freen's huge monster. Freen just smiled at her.

" I guess i--it will not fi--fit" Becky said shyly as she stared at Freen's monster down there.

Freen settled between her legs.

" Don't worry princess I will make it fit"

Freen rubbed her dick up and down in Becky's folds using Becky's arousal as a lubricant. Becky was moaning from the contact.

" I will put it inside now okay. Tell me if it hurts or if I need to stop okay baby" Freen said as she kissed Becky's forehead. Becky nod giving her the go sign.

Freen slowly entered inside her inch by inch making Becky scratch her back with her nails. Both of them moaning from the perfect combination of pain and pleasure.

Freen slowly thrust so that Becky could adjust to her size. Then Becky started moaning in pleasure. The pain was now long forgotten.

" Ahh...mmm...shit.... bunny"

"It's daddy for now princess"

" Oh yess.... Ahhh... DADDY"

"Fuck how can you be so fucking sexy" Freen said as she picked up her speed making Becky scratch her back.

" Shit baby" Freen groaned from the sweet pain.

The room was now filled with skin slapping sounds and moans.

Both of the lovers were in cloud nine while enjoying each other and devouring each other lips like there no tomorrow.

"Shit ba--by I think..... I think I am close ahhh oh god" Becky moaned feeling herself getting closer making her pussy walls clench around Freen's cock sending both of them to height of heaven.

" I am close too"

Becky wrapped her legs around her waist making Freen thrust in a very fast speed.

They both came at the same time making their cum mix together.

" Oh god...." Becky said while panting. Freen was laying on top of her while painting too.

They looked at each other knowing they are in for a long night as Freen's cock got harder again inside Becky making both of them moan as they have just cum yet they are ready for second round already.

They made love until there body couldn't take it anymore. They slept with there body perfectly tangled with eachother enjoying each other presence and warmth.


I hope you would have enjoyed it. I am not that good at writing.


Thank You For 50k+ Reads ✨❤️😊

It means a lot 💟

Gonna update next when this book reaches 52k reads 😏

Till then...... Byeeeee~~❤️


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