Chapter 21

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Thank you for so much votes and love. It really means a lot. I am so happy right now.

Keep supporting and voting. Meet you in the next chapter. Till then take care of yourself buddies.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

620 words Enjoy 😁😁

Later That Day
Night 10:00p.m

All of them are sitting while talking with each other and waiting for their food.

" Where were you guys??" Becky asked making Heidi,Freen and Engfa nervous.

" We were having a..... Meeting" Freen replied

" Yeah yeah a meeting" Engfa and Heidi said. The three then laughed nervously.

Their wives looked at them suspiciously.

" Really but Kirk is was here" Char asked

" He......" Engfa couldn't find words.

" I don't wanna join the meeting" Kirk said in the hope to save his friends.

Before they could ask any more questions.

" Your food is here" A familiar voice was heard. They turned their heads to see a female waiter with a cap and mask coveted her face. She came and served the food.

" Please enjoy. If you need anything call me" The waiter said and went out.

While eating their food. Heidi, Engfa and Freen phone had a notification.

Thank me for saving you. The waiter was me.

-Author A

Author was the one dressed up as the waiter.

" So should we go to another vacation" Freen asked.

" Yeah you know the vacation was kinda ruined" Engfa continued.

" Now that we are fine we can go somewhere" Heidi said.

" It's better for us to stay here. We can go again later sometime" Becky said. The other three agreed with her.

They ate there dinner while talking.



All of them are now in there respected mansions.

" Becky let's go and sleep" Freen said. Becky agreed .

" But have you eaten your medicine yet" Becky asked. Freen gulped and smiled at her nervously.

" Noo...." Freen replied short.

" Then eat it first then we can go to sleep" Becky replied and Freen started whining.

" No I don't want to they are bitter" Freen whined while being clingy to Becky.

" Freen eat your medicine or no cuddles tonight" Becky said acting very serious. Freen immediately ate her medicine making Becky giggle.

" Such a kid" Becky said and pinched Freen's cheeks. Freen hug Becky more.

" Let's go and sleep Bunny" Becky said. Both of them went to their bedroom to sleep.

Freen lay down first.

" Cuddlesss " Freen asked like a small kid. Becky went and cuddled with her. Freen hugged Becky waist and put her head near Becky neck.

" Sleep well bunny" Becky said as she kissed Freen's forehead. Freen mumbled "you too love". After Freen fell asleep.

" Just like childhood" Becky said referring to them cuddling together now.


Small Becky and Small Freen are now here at Freen's house. Both of them sitting on the floor building a Lego set.

" Put it there BB"

" Like this bunny??"

" Yess you're getting good at this game"

" Thank you Bunny." The small Becky said showing her gummy smile. The other girl just pinched her cheek. A act that she does when the smaller one is being cute.

" Aww so cute bb"

" Babies come here to eat dinner is ready" Freen mom called. The two children rush to the kitchen as a running competition.

" Yay I won bunny" The little girl said showing her tongue to the other one. The other girl did the same. Freen Mom just giggled.

" Now come on and eat" Freen mom said. She fed both of them. After eating they went to Freen bedroom to sleep.

At Freen Bedroom

" Bunny hug me" The smaller one said. The other girl instantly hugged her.

" Good night BB"

" Good night bunny"


Becky smiled remembering those childhood days. Guilt started to build up inside her.

" Only If I didn't left you that day. We would have been much more happier now bunny" Becky whispered and kissed Freen forehead again. She then fell asleep.



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