Chapter 29

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A/n: As promised here's a chapter. Idk when I will update next. But I hope you will wait and continue to support this story.

Thank You To All Of You (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

In a dark room of a building a man stood there while sipping his alcoholic drink.

" I will make sure you and that girl will part away. You're only mine. No one else can take you away from me. I am just waiting for the right time baby." He spoke to himself as she set a photo of Freenbecky in fire. He laughed like a crazy person...

" Soon.... Becky Soon...."

At Freenbecky Mansion
Inside The Kitchen

Freen was humming a song while making breakfast for her wife and herself. She was making some sweet pancakes.

Yesterday they made love but Becky is very sore. So they took a leave for a few days.

It was Freen who insisted that she wants to pamper her wife as much as she could.

Freen Smiled as she heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

" Good Morning Babyyy....." Becky said as she wrapped her arms around Freen from behind as she inhaled the sweet aroma of food together with the nice smell of her wife.

" Good Morning To You Too Darling" Freen said as she continued to place the pancakes on the plates. She then turned off the gas stove and face her cute little wifey....

Becky just smiled at her and hugged her as she was missing the warm embrace of her wife even if they were cuddling each other just a hour ago....

" Go and sit baby. I am taking the food with me." Freen said as she motioned her wife to go and sit. Becky obeyed and went to sit on the dinning table. Freen giggled lowly as she saw Becky walking like a penguin.

She put some chocolate syrup on the pancakes and took the plates to the dinning area. She found Becky sipping her milk tea which was also made by her earlier. She placed the plates on the table and sat beside Becky.

She took the fork and started to feed Becky while she also ate. Becky would take a bite from the pancake and then take a sip of milk tea making her cheeks puff out....

Freen pinched her cheek a little mumbling cute and Becky smiled at her more cutely.

" You're melting my heart sweetheart" Freen said as she continued feeding her. Becky just blushed giving her a shy little nod...

They enjoyed their day while cuddling and watching some of their fav shows as Becky didn't wanna walk or do something else that includes her moving her legs for some obvious reason....

As for Freen she pampered her wife with all her love. She cooked Becky's favourite meals. Freen announced holiday to their maids for a few days as she wants to do everything herself for her cute wife....

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