Chapter 20

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Thank You So Much For 520+ votes 🌟🌟.
And 10k+ reads

It really means a lot. here's a long chapter for you all.

Gonna update after this chapter reaches 20 votes. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

I am really in stress now. I just confessed to my crush.... She said she will reply me when the school open. Pray for your author guys...

Found this on YouTube. You should watch it.

Anyways enjoy reading.❤️


Morning 10:30 a.m.

A few days have passed. Today is the last day of them in Hawaii. They will return home in today's evening flight ✈️.

But little did they know something wrong is gonna happen.

They are now in the Fair.

" Freen let's go inside that haunted house" Becky exclaimed excited dragging Freen.

" Engfa let's go" Charlotte dragged Engfa too followed by Heina , Kirk and kade.

(A/n: Can anyone suggest a ship name for kade and kirk. It will help a lot)

Inside The haunted house

The bottoms are way ahead of the mafias. They ran in excitement

" They're such kids. Oh gosh" Engfa said.

" Yeah right" The other three said as they followed them from behind.

" From earlier I feel like someone is following us" Kirk said.

" Yeah I can aslo feel that" Heidi said.

" We need to be more careful" Engfa said.

" Yeah and especially protect them" Freen said referring to their partners. The four then followed their wives.


All of them are in a line for a ride in the feriss wheel 🎡🎡. Suddenly


Gun shots happen.




Becky, Charlotte and Heidi went towards their wives who were shot. The area was soon covered by police. Ambulance has also came.

" Freen don't close your eyes" Becky said to Freen who was inside the Ambulance with tears streaming down her eyes. Engfa and Heidi were inside other Two Ambulance. Three of them have been transferred to the nearest hospital.

Inside the hospital

" Freen don't close your eyes"

" Be--becky"

" I am here bunny I am here"

Freen was took inside the operation room because she was shoot in the chest.


The doctor came out of the operation room. Becky was sitting on the bench getting comforted by Kate.

Becky ran towards the doctor.

" Doctor how is Fr--Freen" Becky asked her voice cracking. Doctor assured her.

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