Chapter 16

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Thank You For All Your Love And Support. It really means a lot to me. Lots of love to buddies. ❤️(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤️

Enjoy ☺️


Sunday Morning
7:00 a.m.

Becky is sleeping peacefully in the king sized bed. While Freen is downstairs preparing Breakfast. Guess what is today??

Today is the 4 month anniversary of Freenbecky. Freen has decided to propose to Becky today. Freen decided to cook something for her sweet wife.

" She would love this" Freen thought to herself while smiling. She was cooking Becky favourite breakfast.
Just when she was plating the food she heard foot steps. She smiled and took the plates to keep it in the dining table. She saw Becky coming downstairs.

" Good Morning Becky" Freen said smiling. Becky smiled back.

" Good Morning bunny"

Becky sat down to eat. Freen served her some boba milk tea.

" Thank you bunny"

" My pleasure" Freen replied beaming another smile.

" Aren't you being extra sweet to me today"

" No no.. I am usually like this hehehe" Freen said and laughed a bit at last.(nervous)

Becky looked at her suspiciously. Freen just smiled at her again. Becky continued eating her food and Freen too ate.

" How should I ask her for a date" Freen thought to herself. she thought for sometime and then gain confidence to ask Becky.

" Becky would you like to go to eat dinner with me today" Freen asked Becky. Becky obviously replied a yes. Both of them were happy.

What Becky didn't knew was she was getting purposed tonight by HER Bunny. They ate their breakfast happily but Freen was the happiest.


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