Chapter 28.1 🔞🔞🔞

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It's been days since that incident in the mall.

Freen and Becky are becoming stronger day by day. They have took next step in their relationship which is love making....

They have make out multiple times but stops when it's gets heated. Both of them thought they're still not ready to have s♡x with each other as they were each other first lover and they didn't experienced something like this before. This feeling of unconditional love and attraction towards someone is completely new for them.

Right Now Freen And Becky are sitting on their large sofa while sipping on their champagne and enjoying their time together after a long and tiring day at work....

It wasn't just the alcohol that was making them feel hot. They both fell some kind of strong force attracting them towards each other right now.

Freen faced Becky only to find Becky was looking at her too...

Freen gulped as she felt hot just by looking at her innocent wife who is now completely opposite. Becky had a daring look in her eyes. Every move she did with that champagne glass just seduced Freen more and more....

Freen gulped a last shot of the alcohol and put her glass down on the table infront of them. She then took the glass from Becky's hand and placed it next to her glass.....

She gently took her wife's hand and kissed it very affectionately before capturing her lips for a sweet kiss. Becky immediately did respond to that. Their tongue danced with each other deliciously.

A soft moan escape from Becky mouth when the Thai girl sucked her tongue savouring the taste of alcohol mixed with the cherry flavour of her tongue.

The moan was enough to awake something inside Freen. She couldn't held herself anymore. She knew they both wanted.... They both needed it at this very moment....

Freen looked at Becky's eyes to find the fire that was burning inside her own body was also visible in her wife's eyes....

This time Becky capture their lips for a hot and passionate kiss that lasted until both of them got out of breath...

" I need you Becky.... I really do..." Freen whispered slowly but Beck did hear it.

" I know... I need you too" Becky replied as a her cheeks developed a tint of dark shade of red in them....

Freen kissed her again but this time the kiss was way more hotter and sloppier than the previous one....

They both undressed each other until Becky was fully naked and Freen only in her boxers.

Both of them blush hard after seeing each other fully naked for the first time.

But for Freen it was not the first time to see Beck completely naked. You know if you know....

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