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3rd POV

Union Destroyer Bali

??: Vampire! Vampire! They're locked in on us!
??: Deploying countermeasures!

The Destroyer was seen releasing chaff to confuse the targeting system of the anti-ship missile(Vampire) that was locked in on the Destroyer Bali, the crew was seen bracing themselves for they are expecting an impact if the countermeasures' failed. Luckily, the countermeasure worked as intended as the missile flew above the Destroyer and then splashing not far from it, although nearly hitting the Radar Antenna.

The crew cheered and sighed in relief, some even teared up after that close call  of a shot. "Ladies and gents you are cleared to move about the Bridge" the Captain said as he sat down and also sighed in relief. As the Captain said that some of the crew took off their anti flash gears and some even sat on the floor.

??: *relieved sigh* "That was close...those fuckers nearly had us..."

??: *sigh* " hands are shaking...geez"

And then a distinct beeping sound was heard across the main bridge, the radar operator then checked the situation and finally said that everyone on the ship dreaded...

Radar Operator: "Vampires...5 of them..."

That was all the operator could say, disbelief and dread was felt throughout the bridge of the ship. They no longer have any missiles to intercept it after the previous wave, neither the CIWS(Close-in Weapon System) turret as it was also expended from the previous wave of missiles.

The speakers then crackled to life with only one word in repeat...


All was silent and then the crew started to brace themselves, others saying their last prayers for them and their families. Then the Captain stood and stared straight through the window that saw through to the sea and then closing his eyes as if accepting his faith... And then suddenly...


At the last moment, a distinct "BRRRTT" was heard from

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At the last moment, a distinct "BRRRTT" was heard from...beside them? The radio on the Destroyer then crackled to life "UNS Bali!, UNS Bali! Do you copy over?"..."This is UNS Bali confirm..." the Captain answered, relieved once again. "To whom am I speaking to?" The unknown ship asks, "This is Captain Angkasa of the Destroyer Bali"...

"Copy that sir, you are to rendezvous with the Hospital ship "Holy Spirit", it's about 100 nautical miles west from here to treat any injured personnel aboard your ship sir"

"Thank you for the assist uhm?..."

"Captain Danh of the UNS Vietnam, sir"

The Captain of the Bali widened his eyes and then grinned 'So they recommisioned the "The Floating City"? about damn time' he thought and with that he stepped out of the bridge pass through the crying and cheering crew, while he inhaled and exhaled deeply and then saw their savior just beside them...

"...and the dreadnought dread nothing at all~"


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FINALLY I've rewritten this book...damn that was long waiting time...

I apologize for any delays, it's kind of busy because I still school and all. We're just finishing up our finals so I might churn out some chapters.

As always thank you for those who read my books and comment if there's anything that needs to be corrected

Have a good day/night guys...

Disclaimer: I have no experience when it comes to military hierarchy nor any knowledge in general, I just research them for convenience 🤣

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