Chapter 4: "Ultimatum"

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Catlan Fortress City, Fortuna's Capital
July 25, 1632, 5:00 AM

A fortress city that is both intimidating as it was grandiose. Pillars that secured its walls inscribed the names of the Kingdom's heroes of old, eye-catching master crafted stone gryphon that flanked the main gate of the city. It's maw agaped to show its ferocity and tenacity to any would-be assailants, walls so tall and smooth that it seemed unscalable to any normal eyes.

Even the city itself is a marvel despite it being a minor kingdom, both its streets and buildings resembled a mixture of the cities of renaissance France and a maze of canals and streams like that of Venice. Several market stalls selling from fruits to seafood, yelling their prices and weights to any passing potential customers, Fortunian soldiers that resembles an Imperial German infantry soldier walked by, patrolling the streets.

Ever since the Coup d'etat started they patrolling the streets more frequently, suspecting anyone that are deemed as loyalist. Despite the city being lively there were several bloodstains on the walls where "loyalists" were shot for either treason or were suspected conspirators of those loyalists.

Enrilth Palace, Catlan, Fortuna
July 25, 1632, 5:00 AM

A Palace of splendor is seen on the horizon, that it even dwarf the grandiosity of the Palace of Versailles. White marble hallways with golden pillars of each and one of them, golden chandelier hanging on the ceiling, pictures of old kings, heroes and battles alike are hung up.

Several palace maids were currently cleaning every hallways, Palace guards marching through it and some were guarding the outside of it even through the Palace's garden.

Suddenly a loud shout was heard, scaring even some of the maids who were walking by,

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU LOST THEM?!" There a big burly man in his 40's-50's is seen standing up from his throne, enraged and huffing. Infront of him are 4 individuals who wore a military regalia of some sorts, they were bowing down, nervous and shaking.

"T-they managed to escape, your grace. We've locked down every port and intercepted every ship tha–" BANG! One of them was now laying dead on the floor, the other 3 were now shaking tremendously.

The man on the throne was aiming his pistol on the now dead, individual and scoffed.

"Anything...ELSE?!" The man once again shouted, demanding an answer. The 3 remaining individuals looked at each other until one of them stood up.

"K-King Graendalt...I have some news..." The person was stammering for his life at this point. Graendalt then sat back to his throne with a groan but gestured him to continue

"W-we've managed to "interrogate" some conspirators on where Frederick and his family is headed..." Graendalt nodded for him to continue. "They said that they were headed south east, to recruit anyone for their cause and reclamation of his throne..."

The man stopped speaking, looking at Graendalt. Graendalt in return, just laughed at this

"HAHAHA!! My brother recruiting barbarians for his cause? HA! He'd be lucky if could got out alive! But nonetheless send out patrols through our waters. I don't want any lanky pirates harassing our ships, is that all?" Graendalt asked, the man nodded and took a step back

Graendalt was about to dismiss them when a royal messenger barged in, much to Graendalt's annoyance. "What is it now?" The messenger gave him an orb and with a mana crystal, it displayed a vast ocean but it then focuses on a grey object floating on the water.

Graendalt immediately suspected that it's a ship, which he is right but the size and look of it reminds him of the Dwarven Kingdom's new ships. In his mind it didn't looked a lot like the Dwarven ships, it was too big, he was even more intrigued when there was something behind it.

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