Chapter 5: "Operation Storm" Part 1

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Parliamentary Representative Building, Singapore City, Singapore
July 25, 1632, 12:30 PM

Now we see the building itself, a large circular white building and in that center, stood the 11 flag poles of every nation that composes the Union;

Timor Leste

All of them are waving delicately along the wind, all of them symbolizes the unity of a long arduous journey, all of them...are arguing...

"This is an outrage!" The Cambodian representative shouted but he was being calmed down by the Laotian representative to his right.

"We've tried the diplomatic route but they still shot at us, we need to rescue our Ambassador and personnel out of there" the Malaysian representative proclaimed

"I agree with my counterpart, your honors. We've seen of what would they do if we're not compliant to their wishes" the Philippine representative added, "This world is very different from ours"

"And what would the people of USEAN would say if they saw our troops fighting the first week on this new world? We don't want to ruffle any feathers" the Thai representative countered, she was then answered by the Indonesian representative

"The feathers have already been ruffled! Our people saw the incident on live TV no less. If you want us to just stand here and let our fellow countrymen die on foreign, unknown land, then you are indeed stupid"

The chamber hall erupted in shouts, insults and threats. Some outliers were trying to calm the storm but it was fruitless, several representatives outright left the building entirely. The senior representative of the Hall then announced a break to calm the waters.

At the podium above, Prime Minister Lin saw the whole thing and she was disappointed and frustrated, to say the least. She just sighed heavily and massaged her head again, good thing that this wasn't live or else, this would've been the greatest shit show ever if they were back on Earth.

"These knuckleheads just couldn't agree one thing even if their countrymen is spilling their blood on foreign lands" she stands up with her Secretary in tow

Enrilth Palace, Catlan, Fortuna

"This is a declaration of war!" One of the senator's shouted, The palace's dining room was now occupied by the 20 senators of the Kingdom of Fortuna. Most of them are loyal to Graendalt to a cause, most were living a decadent lifestyle after his ascension as the new king but this was now disturbed by this unknown player.

"I agree, Senator! They have the gaul to injure one of our most trusted negotiators of this Kingdom..." The senator gestured to Lady Aleena who was being bandaged by a doctor and being healed by a sorcerer

"...Those savages deserve to be killed and subjugated!" There was an uproar of agreement throughout the table. But now, the opposing party's turn to speak

"And what made you think that fighting them would be good idea?" The opposing senator said, "By the reports of citizens, soldiers and Lady Aleena's guards said that they were using a fast repeating musket, in just 5 seconds her guards was cut in less than half than what it was"

"I agree, if we were to declare war to this unknown people we would likely doom our Kingdom!" One of the opposing senators said in support

"Bah! They might just fired them in small volleys, we've been using that tactic for a long time now" The senator retorted

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