Chapter 8: Siege

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USEAN Headquarters Building
5:30 AM
War Room

It has been 2 hours now since the invasion began, Prime Minister Lin and Director General Nguyen and several Armed Forces Commanders from different branches were seen inside the "War Room" looking at the latest drone footage

The 103rd Infantry Battalion of the USEAN Marines had secured the North West part outside of the Port City, while the 55th Infantry Battalion secured the Eastern Part, capturing a lightly defended outpost and capturing 30-50 prisoners from the Fortunian Royal Army

Director General Nguyen nodded in satisfaction on how the first part of the invasion has started, "Minimal casualties from our part and we've even managed to secure a choke point to the main capital itself". "Indeed Director General, but we need to capture the port city itself" one of the commanders said

The Director understood the predicament, despite being medieval this is still urban warfare at its basic configuration. Room to room, street by street, as one of the soldiers from the Operation Broken Trident in the past said, "The alleyways are the path, the streets are the killing grounds".

Then the commander of the Army made a suggestion, "How about we hold off our MBT's outside of the city while APCs and AFVs will be the one's that would support the infantry, the streets themselves are too snug based on this video footage so might as well have the speed advantage"

Several commanders agreed on the suggestion, so Director General Nguyen approved it

Entrance of Ancala
95th Marine Infantry Battalion

The 95th Infantry is seen preparing all of their gears and weapons, then one of the communications officer ran to the commanding of the battalion and relayed the order

He nodded and announced it to his men, "Alright listen up! Tanks are a no-go, the streets are too tight for our Tanks so we'll have to go with our AFV and APC". He then showed a map to the various sub-commanders

"We will be divided into 10 companies, our main objective for now is to capture the city center. Then, the governor's house expect heavy resistance to any choke points on the city. The civilian population are also taken into consideration, so watch your fire cooperation from the population is a must but high tolerance is mandatory"

He then glided his finger on the map to the Governor's House, "The Governor's House is top priority, it's tall building and hilly location makes it a great vantage point. For now, there's no air support from the jets and the only Helicopter Carrier is on refuel. The Destroyer "Can Tho" couldn't be called upon due to its proximity so, mortar fire is the viable option, for now. Any questions?"

He saw several shaking heads from them, "Alright, brief your men of our mission plan and it we will execute it on 0600 hours!" The sub-commanders then rap up to their men and briefed them. This will might be the bloodiest battle yet in their transference.

06:00 AM

AFVs, APCs Transport Trucks are seen lined up at the gate, as several drone operators is seen launching their drones to have a birds eye view of the battlefield. Several figures is seen but mostly civilians, one of the drone operators then gave them a thumbs up. The roar of the vehicle's engines was enough to stir several fleeing civilians to hide from the "monsters"

They went out a 2 x 6 x 5 formation; meaning 1 AFV, 1 APC and 6 transport trucks in 5 different directions. They now enter the City proper, at first it was quiet too quiet even but they occasionally see pets running around to adults carrying or guiding their children through the now "Ghost City"

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