Chapter 9: Capture

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Ancala, City Central
07:15 AM

There were now multiple triage camps being set up in the vicinity at the heart of the city, this also attracted civilians who were caught up in the battle that wanted to surrender earlier

They were given porridge, soup, even newly baked breads to quell their hunger for the meantime. Of course some fights occured at the vicinity of the camp, but they were intervened by the now present MPs. As the battle drags on and gun shots becoming less and less frequent, the people of Ancala then looked out the city's walls and see their so-called "invaders"

To them, they seem to possess fast firing muskets, iron elephants and huge iron ships the size of small islands. They saw at the distance where the now complete 4 Jakarta-Class Destroyers are seen patrolling the waters off of Fortuna, then another 2 ships were docked, but this time it's the Helicopter Carriers of UNS Endeavor and UNS Horizon docked just 800 meters from the shore

3 SH-60 Seahawks and 2 Chinooks were seen carrying crates of supplies to the City Center, the loud whirring of these helicopters would send chills upon both the Defenders and Civilians in the city. "Sir, we have a lot of curious eyes on us. Should we wave?" The pilot of one of the Chinooks jested

"You can, but be prepared for a run down of various colorful languages from our superior officer..." The co-pilot retorted

Meanwhile, the special forces who rescued the Ambassador finally showed up along with several kids with them. The children were immediately tested for any infection, diseases and even some traces of poison if they have one, the Ambassador meanwhile just sat down and instead have one of his escorts who was shot, be healed first

At the meantime, several commanders are having a briefing on to their next objective now that they have fresh troops on the ground, "We've captured the city center but the Governor's house is still our main objective, I've talked with the Ambassador about the layout of the house and it's most optimum entrance" one of the commader said as he presented the map

He showed the House's horse stable that has an almost unguarded entrance due to its proximity to the hill's slope, "We'll have our men to rappel down to the stables for this, the slope is too loose for any of our vehicles to drive on to" the other commanders pondered and nodded. It is the best solution...

One of them then asked, "Do we have any support for our boys out there?" He nodded, "Luckily our Helicopter Carriers arrived just this morning, Vipers are locked and loaded and prepared for this mission"

"Wala nang patumpik-tumpik pa, let's brief our men on what their mission is..." One of the commanders said almost eagerly

"Ya Tuhan, of course you would be eager to fight now...[sighs]" the rest just chuckled at their conversation


Above the Governor's House
07:50 AM

3 Vipers and 6 Blackhawks were seen flying overhead as they approached the House, Marines inside were checking on their weapons and equipment one last time until their drop-off

The Vipers veered off and attacked the House but not the people inside, they straffed the house's lawn and broke several statues using its 20mm rotary cannon

Several people was seen running back inside and closing off the windows, then the order was given, all 6 Blackhawks deployed the rappel ropes and one by one the Marines infiltrated the house itself

The element of surprise is on their side, several servants, maintenance workers even guards just surrendered without a fight, to the relief of the Marines. As they walked to the highest floor, they then prepared for a breach, a Marine with a breaching shotgun came up and started shooting off the hinges and lock off of the door

In the other side, Governor Meza is hiding inside his closet while he trembled in fear. Suddenly, he heard several shots being fired on his door. It blew off the hinges and lock, almost immediately, someone kicked his door down and screamed

"USEAN Marines! Don't move! Keep your hands up!..." The Marines searched the whole room even under the bed, "Sir, negative on the V.I.P, no life signs nor recent activities" a Marine radioed. Meza sighed in relief

That is until....

"Let me through! Let me through! You have no right nor say to enter and damage our house!" An irate female screams at the Marines, Meza looked out in shock and worry. It's his wife...

One of the Marines then tried to calm her, "Calm down, Ma'am. We only want your husband..." He was interrupted when the wife threw a vase at him but he dodged, and groaned, "Please...get her and the child out of here...we don't want the child to be traumatized even more..."

'Grendala is with her?! What was she thinking?!' Meza screamed in his thoughts, not long after they heard the child's cry. Some of the Marines even looked sympathetically at the child, eventually Meza came out of the closet and raised his hand

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! It's me!..." He screamed as he gets down on his knees. The Marines immediately checked him for any hidden weapons and restrained him, "Just don't hurt my daughter..." He pleaded

A Marine Lieutenant shakes her head, "We don't do that, Sir. We only want information about Fortuna, that's all". Meza nodded, "There's a trade archive in my library downstairs, every map, purchase and even trade agreements are stored their"

"Lead the way..." The Lieutenant said earnestly, as they move passed the Mother and Daughter, the daughter immediately clung to him crying. "A-Are you being arrested?" Meza shook his head, "We're just going to the Library, dear..."

One of the Marines tried to separate the child but she clung to him even tighter, the Marine sighed and just let the girl come with them, as they entered the library and opened the a small room. They saw stacks upon stacks of documents, maps and even ordered decrees

From simple crop seed requests to Gold trading orders that has even a royal seal stamped on it, but the Marines only needed two things, the Map of Fortuna and the amount of Soldiers that were deployed here

Finally they saw it, "Ma'am, here it is" a marine showed the Lieutenant the map and what they saw had shocked them even more that they found out that they have railroad not far from there location or the fact that they have railroads in general

"Governor, why is it your city didn't had any railroads?" The Lieutenant asked

Meza sighed, "We did, but after the coup that Prince and now, King Graendalt. We were considered as "non-priority" by his Majesty"

A Marine then quipped, "You became this Kingdom's "Soft under belly", no offense, Governor...", "Non taken..." Meza answered solemnly

"...Nonetheless, we'll have to move you to a new location but you will be protected by our men, I assure you that" the Lieutenant said in a tired voice

"..Why?" Meza asked, "Not far from here, there's a forming of troops just beyond the mountain range that our drones saw. Estimated amount of troops, 90,000, estimated arrival? 1-2 days at least"

Meza and his wife paled in fear after hearing that, Meza then spoke up, "90,000..? That's more than half of what the Kingdom's military has..." This was full-on counter attack of epic proportions

"Don't worry, we're expecting them to use the railway to come here. So our engineers have been busy implanting explosives to sabotage the railroad and with some hope, de-Rail a train and ambush them" the Lieutenant assuring them a little

With nod, they escorted out of the room and out of the house itself. They were given a chance to ride a Chinook the first time, Of coure the child was scared but both her parents and even the soldiers persuade her to jump aboard

The Chinook took off and as they flew away, Meza saw the USEAN flag being raised and sighed, 'This is going to be bloodbath' Meza thought to himself

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