Chapter 13: The road to the Capital: Part 3

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August 6, 1632
FOB Sumatra, Ancala
11:30 AM

USEAN delegates and Ambassador Amir, who had recovered from his injuries, is in the base and being briefed by the upcoming fellow delegates of the; Dwarven Empire, Khaela' Mehn Empire, and the Vagoron Commonwealth

Amir even pointed out that the 3 nations that are going to be present had it's own "quirks"

Dwarven: Massive Industry and massive resources but their equipment aren't standardized

Technology: Mid to Post-war (WW2)

Khaela' Mehn: Experts in the "Arcane" of Mana manipulation and use but doesn't have any non-mana innovation

Technology: 1960-1970's

Vagoron: New and semi-industrially capable nation but has low natural resources

Technology: 1930-1940's

Amir could see the parallels between them and the past countries back on Earth but there was one nation that was also interested in joining this meeting...

"Konigs..." Amir pondered the name, he looked at the "information" that they gave to them. It was so vague that it might as well be reading a book in the dark while blind. They have a population of 83.8 million, 'same as Germany' he thought to himself, he was even contacted by their representative...

In fucking German, or at least the equivalent of it...

"Ooh, please don't be wannabe Nazis, that's so cliché" Amir muttered in a frustrating tone. He then looked at the drone image of their city, as the report says, "The surveillance plane was intercepted but wasn't attacked nor harassed due to it being higher than what their planes could reach..."

Meaning that they have radar capability but no known fighters that could out climb their planes, even a surveillance plane no less. The information had also been read by the armed forces and even the Director General and the Prime Minister themselves and took note of that

As he was finishing up the report, 3 knocks were heard, "Yes, what is it?" Amir asked. The door opened, it was his secretary, she was holding 3 documents with different seals. "Ok let them in so that we could start and finish this early..." She nodded radioed the security outside to them in

As the door opens, 3 figures were seen;

The Dwarf, who was wearing an ornate breastplate and a luxurious red cape while having a clean and combed hair. He's currently looking at the building with glee and curiousity, while being escorted by his own pair of guards

The Human, who was also looking at the room with excitement. He was wearing a standard 3 piece suit but its a little bit loose and with a news boy cap as a hat, his guards, in contrast, were focused and held on their weapons that looks a lot like the M1903 Springfield rifle

The Elf, was wearing an ornate robe with a pair of reflective bracers on her arm, and a golden crown or band that is encrusted with various glowing jewels. Unlike the other two, she exhibit a face of boredom, uninterested her escorts meanwhile conveyed a face of curiosity

Amir then got up and greeted them, "Good morning honored guests, my apologies on my country's behalf that we met on such unfortunate times"

The dwarf representative was the first one to speak, "Aye, and to top it all of those weapons that they're using came from our old equipments" Amir nodded understanding that they only sold those because they're old. "Now then lad, what would you offer me your finest drinks? Mead? Ale? Barankis spice?..."

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