Chapter 12: The road to the Capital: Part 2

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(Reader Warning: this will be GRIM at least...I do hope that you have the stomach for this...)

Lucia's POV


This was beloved city being overrun by these invaders and not a single word from the Capital

(scoffs) Typical...

At first, it was only small pock shots from a small sector, and then it escalated to nearly wiping out my troops in the streets by their weapons of dread and chaos. A sound that is if someone was ripping a canvas off of a painting, but instead of art, it smeared the blood of my soldiers all over the stone road

Worse of all...

My son was there when that carnage happened....

Oh his scream for me...and by Solarius, echoes of his voice are still stuck in my mind

"Momma! Maa! Heellpp!!" that's all I could hear, after I passed out from my wounds. As I woke up my remaining troops said that he died on top of his horse "Matilda", I staggered helplessly inside of our arm's quarters. Some of my men had wounds that were so severe they might as well cut their leg or arm off just to be sure that it wasn't was harrowing

Not even a day had passed, we were invaded once again by them...but this time they were riding iron carriages with cannons so loud that it deafens one of my fellow Captains...

Then it happened...they broke through the city gates and rushed with some more iron carriages of theirs, but this time, one of their iron carriages fired its cannons with furious fire and thunder so fast that it made us duck with fear...

Bodies exploding like wet sacks of flesh, bones and intestines all over the wall, the building and surrounding streets. Others managed to fight back and even hit one of them but it was useless, they were immediately "put down" in front of us

The "battle" continued until to the center of the City where a giant and old stone fortress stood. We settled there until they came and we prepared and tried to make our last stand...tried...(scoffs) We didn't even managed to compose ourselves when their iron carriages entered the courtyard

Some were already crying, peeing their pants and some even tried to run away but they were apprehended by the remaining officers. The enemy then fired their fast firing cannons and ordered our surrender...some didn't had any hesitation and immediately put their hands up, others were skeptical but it was my decision that would made their day a lot easier

As we were being marched out of the stone fortress, we were ordered to throw our weapons to the side and put our hands up to show that were unarmed. Others begged for forgiveness, for their lives and such while I looked at the enemy with anger and resentment

As I was being escorted to see their Top Commander for this invasion force, I looked at my men that were being detained, well "detained" is a harsh word. They were bandaging them up and even giving them food. That was odd for so many reasons but I held that thought when I was about to meet their Commander, I held my breath as I...


Calth..? might be a trick! Yes...yes...this is a trick, they might've brought a sorcerer and casted an illusion spell on me... that must be it

... There's no way that my Husband! Of all people, would've helped the enemy. Besides, he died 2 years ago, in my arms no less...

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