Chapter 3: First Contact

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July 16, 1532, 0930 AM
150 nautical miles from northern Myanmar

"Royal ship"

King Frederick is seen inspecting the map in the Captain's cabin, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose, "By the gods, where is it..." He said with an almost raspy voice. "Where is what, m'lord?" Markus's voice made the King jumped a little, "...This map Markus, we would've seen islands by now..."

Markus then looked at the map itself, "We might've sailed off course m'lord, there was a storm just now", "Maybe, maybe (sigh), so how's my wife and daughter?" Frederick asked him, Markus then showed him on what they were doing, Queen is seen helping some of handlers to move some of the various crates, much to the surprise of some crew members.

Princess Diana meanwhile was seen fishing the starboard side of the ship. "...At least they're enjoying themselves...", Frederick then heard Markus chuckle. "Indeed they are, although some of the crew members were surprised and weirded out by them helping in the first place"

Then a shout was heard up at the ship's crow's nest, "Ships on the horizon! 3 of them!" Frederick then ordered one of the crew members to borrow a telescope so he could see for himself. What Frederick saw made his spine run cold, 3 iron forged ships, they might indeed sailed off course but Frederick saw the flag.

Blue on its right upper half, Red on the left lower half, a Yellow circle in the middle with an hour glass that is colored in both Red and Blue. This was an unknown flag to him, "Who are these people..?" Frederick pondered...


-Meanwhile with the 3 frigates-

UNS Hue: "Target vessel spotted, 700 meters in front of us"

UNS Kidapawan: "Copy, we see it..."

UNS Sibolga: "Send out a horn to know that we see them, for good measure"

UNS Sibolga and Kidapawan blew their horns and maneuvered 500 meters both port and starboard of the ship itself. This immediately sent out the wrong signal towards the "Royal ship" and the people in it, they now started to man their cannons.

UNS Kidapawan: "...Shit!"

UNS Hue: "Fucki-Quick! Have some of your crews get out and waved to them, to know that we mean no harm!"


"Sir! The cannons are ready, your orders?" One of the crewman asked hurriedly while holding the wick stick with a visible ember, at the ready. "On my command, ready-", "wait!" Frederick shouted. Everyone on the ship halted and saw the crew members of the two USEAN Frigates waving to them, they also noticed that the single cannon of both ships weren't even pointed at them.

"...That was close, Markus, have your men stand down but be ready", "Yes, m'lord" Markus then informed the crew of Frederick's orders to them. Then a smaller vessel, an RHIB(Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat), descends from one of the ships.

It rapidly approach the ship, with a nod from Frederick the crew then threw a ladder to help the people on the RHIB to climb up.

One by one, both Frederick and Markus then saw the mysterious individuals. To their relief they were humans. But they were wearing unusual blue and white cube-patterened fabrics and a helmet. There were no armor, but instead a thicker rigid fabric that covered their chest and abdomen that also wraps around from front to back.

Overall, there were 5 people in mysterious clothings and armed with black arquebuses right in front of them. One of them then walked up and said, "May I know who's in charge of this ship?"

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