Chapter 1: Escape

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July 16, 1532
Unknown location, 0430 AM

3 hooded figures are seen running through the harbor, dodging and weaving from crate carriers to descending helmsman alike. As they approach on one of the empty docks, they were approached by a customs broker.

"Excuse me gentlemen, can I help you with something?" He asks with a suspicious tone, determining the hooded figures who they were. But before he could do that, a male figure intervened. "My apologies, they're my passengers", the young man said. He then gestured the 3 to board one of the ship's that are anchored on the docks.

"Now hold on! I want their papers for confirmation plus 5 gold standards for a departure fee" the broker agitatedly said. The young man just looked at the broker with a smile and said, "How about I give you 30 gold standards, and we forget this ever happens." He then handed 30 coins to the broker, this changes the broker's demeanor from suspicious to delighted, "Well, fairwell and good blessings upon your departure Mister "Williams"!"

"Williams" then shook the broker's hand, and hurried back to the ship. He then took the plank and immediate hid it from view. Suddenly there was shout that came not far from where the ship was anchored, "Where are they?! I want every damn person to be interrogated and searched on! No exceptions, not until they are found!". The individual in question wore a grey overcoat with some gold accented epaulette and tall leather boots, the person was also wearing, the lack of a better word, a pickelhaube.

As the person was still shouting and ordering, the young man then ordered the crew to 'weigh anchor' and set sail Southeast with all haste. The crew obeyed his command and suddenly the passengers on the ship felt the sudden tug of the ship as it sped forth.

"We are now free to move about the main deck", the young man said it with a sigh of relief. He then turned to one of the hooded figures and said, "That was a close one your Highness, you were nearly caught". The hooded figure then remove his hood, revealing the person underneath it. A greying man with wrinkles to match, tired beyond his years as if now is the only time that he genuinely smiled in relief. It was King Frederick

"Indeed, indeed. Thank you for doing that Markus, I am in your debt" the old King said with a grateful tone. "Nonsense m'lord, I was only doing what was necessary. But I'm glad that your family managed to escape the upcoming Coup", Markus said

The King nodded, "Aye, it was dangerous for anyone especially for my family. None were spared, from the most prestigious senator to the lowliest peasant were killed for just looking or talking to me in the past", the King said with a grim tone. His brother has gone too far with this one, first it was reports of harassment and kidnappings from far off villages.

Now? A Coup against his kingdom, Tens maybe even Hundreds of thousands were either killed, captured or enslaved by his hand. It was out of control...out of his control, his castle was besieged by his brother's rag tag of an army, they even nearly kidnapped his wife while she was still in bed, sleeping. Fortunately her royal guards heard the commotion and killed the assailants but most of her guards were also killed during the ensuing fight.

His beloved daughter meanwhile negotiated with his brother- in exchange for stopping the Coup and sparing his father, she would marry him in return. But Frederick knew that he wouldn't keep that promise in perpetuity, so he and his remaining loyal knights, bowman and arquebusiers stormed the palace and rescued his daughter from the danger of his sadistic brother.

"I gotta admit m'lord, you've raised a devout young lass. She was willing to sacrifice her freedom and dignity to save you", Markus said with a slight chuckle. Frederick nodded, he was proud of her daughter even through her rebellious nature, and probably love for alcohol. She's still loved her father. "Hehe, she might've gotten that from me when I was a young and reckless boy", he said with a hint of pride and embarrassment on his part.

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