Chapter 14: The road to the Capital: Part 4

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August 10, 1632
Singapore City, Singapore

The streets of Singapore City is filled with activities, Cars and public transportation was finally opened once more not only here but throughout the Union. Prime Minister Lin herself said that it's now safe to open up parks and schools but only in selected areas, public and private companies are still recovering from the sudden transference but due to the new trades deal with other nations of this world.

They recovered faster than expected, chip manufacturers are finding an abundance of silicon near the mountains of Cambodia and Myanmar, Oil companies surveyed the northern part of the Philippines and they saw a large amount of oil near the area that could last about 90+ years, and Weapons companies have been churning out weapons since the invasion begun. Weapons like the surface to surface missile fired from their destroyers, Depleted Uranium round for their tanks and the newly reinstated SCUD Missile platform

SCUD Missile Platform: SS-U-7D "Glider"

SCUD Missile Platform: SS-U-7D "Glider"

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Range: 700 km

Length: 12.29m

Payload: 985 kg

The missile was even tested from the abandoned PLA facilities at the former South China Sea near the mischief reef. They successfully launched it at a record time from preparation to launch

The missile even flew faster due to the upgrades to its rocket motors, their latest testing of the missile, it achieved a supersonic flight like their Brahmos missile for the destroyers to which now they now also recreating

Singapore City, Singapore
11:30 AM

We see Prime Minister Lin eating, not at a expensive restaurant, but at a local noodle shop while in a disguise and with her is Hakeem he is also wearing a disguise

"...This is so good~, nothing beats the handmade noodles" Lin said in a satisfied tone while eating at her favorite noodle shop

"I gotta say though, I didn't expect this noodle shop would still be standing..." Hakeem said while eating his own noodles

Unknown to the people around them, except for the both of them, there were bodyguards that were dressed as civilians protecting them. As the two continued enjoying their noodles, Lin's phone rang. She was hesitant at first but eventually answered it

"Hello?" Lin asked, "Ma'am, it's Chairman Fernandez...", "Oh, Chairman! What's the concern?" She asked curiously to him

"We have several delegates here in Nusantara from the Konig Republic, they want to ask if the plane that they saw was ours...and they were asking for our help..." Fernandez finishes as Prime Minister Lin was silent throughout the conversation

She let a breath, "Tell them to wait for me..." She then hanged up her phone and let out a frustrated sigh. "Man, I really couldn't catch a break..."

Hakeem chuckled, Lin glared at him. "What's so funny about that?", "Remember our college days? 4 defense researches in just one were so frustrated that you destroy our only coffee machine" Lin had a look of embarrassment

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