Chapter 15: The road to the Capital: Final Part

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Somewhere in the Territory of Fortuna
August 25, 1632

Rows upon rows of Fortunian Rhombus Tanks were seen being rolled over from the train cars and on to the roads, shells being carried by troops and into their tanks to use it. Troops were being hauled onto military trucks, Artillery being pulled by tracked vehicles of unknown designs while bellowing out blackened smoke to the air

"Hey! We've got another one stuck here!" One of the soldiers yelled out when one of their artillery pieces were slowly sinking under the muddy terrain. Several soldiers were seen helping him while using either horses or other tracked vehicles nearest to them

It was raining for the past 3 weeks after the declaration of general mobilization by King Graendalt, currently they have troops numbering up to about 80-90,000 and they're currently being housed in 3 different locations

Wyvern scouts were sent to Ancala to scout or harass the USEAN menace but to their horror, everytime that they were sent there. Pillars of smoke and explosive light were killing both rider and beast alike, so now they were going there blind, exhausted and wet. Their high command couldn't afford to prolong this due to resources, both in Military and Civilian, going ever more lower by the week

Propaganda and arousing speeches would do so much before their own people rebel against their own kingdom and create a civil war. USEAN officials knew this, so at the same time, they've given the Marine, Army and Airforce a green light to proceed

Army would take the 2 other strongholds affectionately named, Fort Santiago and Fort De La Vega. Fort Santiago was the most hyped up, especially with the Filipino contingents, it was hyped up due to having a real name after it but the Fortunian Fort was twice the size compared to the fort in the Philippines

Nonetheless, nearly 40,000 Filipino army men, with some Malaysian and Indonesian contingent joining in at the last moment, were transferred to assault Fort Santiago while the others were to assault De La Vega

Overall, the USEAN armed forces allocated nearly 80,000 troops total for this assault including the Marine Division, 100 Tanks, 150 Helicopters and Jets and about 180 Trucks, APCs and AFVs for this mission alone. The Navy meanwhile was transporting a "very important cargo", as the landing ships open it's ramp, a rectangular vehicle with a pencil like cargo on its back is seen being redirected by several people

Some of the foreign observers saw this and was curious, questions were being raised by them even the foreign media was vehemently asking the USEAN guards on what kind of weapons were they...

"Sir, what kind of a weapon was that you were redirecting?" An Elven news reporter asked. The USEAN soldier didn't say anything, with a tired sigh the respondents moved until they heard him say

"They're here...[sighs] I really don't want to be them right now..." He said in a cold tone, the elven reporter caught wind of that and asked him again

"What is sir?"


Above the landscape of Fortuna is a formation of 8 AH-64 Apaches, 3 Mi-8s and 3 CH-47 Chinooks, they were there due to a distress call by one of the recon teams on the ground. The full report was that they were being fired upon by detached Fortunian soldiers in the vicinity of the city that they've captured a day previously

"Alright! Our boys are pinned down there, and we, have to help them to hold the city. Expect heavy enemy fire on the way to the town...any questions?" Their commander asked them, no one answered so he nodded and directed the pilot to their LZ

One of the lieutenants said to him, "Welcome back to Fortuna, Captain Marikas!"

Marikas smiled and nodded as he was standing while holding on one of the helicopters handles

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