Chapter 11: The road to the Capital: Part 1

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August 4, 1632
Port City of Ancala, Fortuna
10:35 AM

It's been a week since the invasion begun and rebuilding efforts were underway including the newly repaired railroad that is now connected to the city itself. On the beaches meanwhile, the Marines were now receiving fresh troops from the mainland and having to at least relax around the city

The battle is still etched to most of the buildings even torn up clothes are still seen on the streets, but the troops didn't mind much of it because they have until 8 days before the main push to the capital went ahead

Now, the troops were enjoying the various pubs around the city even interacting with the locals from now and then. Although, High Command are still wary of spies in the area so they've sent intelligence officers in normal Marine uniforms to scout the area, the Marines figured out that there weren't just humans in the city

There were also demi-humans; Humans that have animal features such as long ears, tails, nose or snout, even some of their eyes were different. To some, this looks unsettling and weird but for most, they're experiencing a real life fantasy setting. Some even calling it "The Real Life D&D"

"Hoooly shit...this looks a lot like a fantasy guild", one of the Marines said in awe. Some of his colleagues chuckled in amusement, "Don't get too hooked up, we don't want you receiving a fantasy STD now do we?" the rest laughed while he got a good smack on the head

They got seated and given a menu by a cat girl waitress, several Marines, Army even Navy personnel were inside enjoying their day. Despite being morning a lot were inside bars, pubs and/or restaurants— some just wandered around the city buying some souvenirs for their loved ones back home

The famous ones are clothes, fruits and even their version of Honey that was harvested from an oversized Bee, some of the vendors even showed the Bee's taxidermied remains much to the displeasure of some female soldiers. Most of the commanders either stayed at the Base or monitored their troops who were lollygagging while in a drunken stupor in the middle of the day, no less...

One of them was Captain Marikas, the one that was slapped by the female Fortunian commader defending this city. He couldn't say it out loud but, even he didn't expected to be slapped in the face, he expected to be punched, kicked or even spat on but never slapped

'Weird...My wife...Andrea had the same...reaction...', Marikas shook his head from that train of thought, his wife is dead and he accepted that she died... mostly

"Hey, Captain! Over here" a voice called to him, Marikas looked at the individual. It was his fellow captains, including Captain Phan from the 106th Company...great...

Marikas approached them with a tired while his hands were behind, making him look a lot older than he looks. "...Yeah?" Marikas asked, "How's your face?" Phan asked genuinely concerned

"Been better, although I had to place a bag of ice. The slap was harder than it looks..." Marikas answered while caressing his cheek with a slight sting. "What do you think..?" Phan asked. This confuses Marikas, "What I think? Well, our troops should've at least done this last nigh–", "No, I mean her..." Phan clarified

"What about her?" Marikas answered sensing there was something more to the question, "Lucia...she reaaally looks a lot like her, your wife...those features are so uncanny...almost being creepy" Phan shuddered after looking at her during the interrogation where Marikas wasn't apart in due to being slapped. So they separated them to avoid any conflicts

"Why are you bringing this topic, again?" Marikas asked a little irritated, "She died 5 years ago, I accepted that she isn't with me nor the kids anymore..." Phan and the others looked at him sympathetically, Phan exhaled, "Look, we're just worried about were walking for hours yesterday while holding your cheek...", "Pfft, no I didn't" Marikas denied

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