Chapter 22: Operation Typhoon: "The Storm"

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August 28, 1632
9:45 AM
500 meters from Catlan, Fortuna

As the convoy stopped, they saw the once resplendent walls of the capital turned into what it looks like post-WW2 City of Berlin, stone buildings collapsed into rubble and dust, once semi-paver road has holes as wide as a man layed flat on it. Once wooden monuments charred into unrecognizable charcoal and tinder, the troops looked at it in awe, some even took pictures as documentation

As the Lieutenant Lee got off from his APC, he assesses the situation and ordered the vehicles to be Tank front; Truck last. Then his second in command, Sargent Ramirez then spoke, "Sir what do you think?"

Lee pondered, "A good haven for ambush attacks, traps and minefields if you ask me. Send out the drones, we'll carve out a path for our boys..." Ramirez nodded. As the first drones were launched, they saw people still wandering around the destroyed city picking up rubble and burnt clothes

Lee wanted to help them but for now they're hostile and they need to be vigilant, "All right boys, rules of engagement is identification before shooting. I know it's a risk but we might harm civvies in the process, so in conclusion, don't be a trigger happy, asshole. Rhino actual, move in and stay vigilant..."

That last bit got a chuckle from every personnel but they knew it was serious, as the Abrams in front moved the designated convoy moved as well, the rest was left to handle the reinforcement troops who were about to land in an hour. The convoy moved with the dismounted infantry, Ramirez even informed them not to point so that the enemies never recognize their officers but they were permitted to gesture

As they approach the first crossroads of the City, they saw civilians running and hiding away from them, some who couldn't find somewhere to hide they just lay in a fetal position. This earned some sad expressions from the troops but they just walk pass those who are in those positions, but they also check if they have weapons or explosives

Ramirez and Lee gestured for the convoy to stop as they heard muffled shouting from one of the houses, Ramirez then try to hear while he gestured the convoy to move past him, he heard a distinctive cry...

"...Mama... I'm scared...." Ramirez heard it, then he heard another, "Shh... it's ok, t-they'll leave... don't worry, sweetheart". Ramirez realized that it was a Mother and Daughter trapped inside, first he tried turning the knob. This earned a muffled scream from the girl, but he tried turning and pushing the door but it didn't budge

Ramirez then whispered to an engineer, "Psst, hand me that crowbar..." The engineer gave him the crowbar and wedge it to where the lock is, as he forcefully opened the door he saw the Mother and Daughter wounded and covered in sooth and dirt. The mother then rushed in front of her daughter, while the daughter was clutching her mother

"Please! H-have mercy...please...take me but not my daughter" the mom pleaded at the troops but Ramirez reassured her, "Ma'am, we're not here to separate you and your daughter. We're just checking if there are anyone else with you" The mom shook her head, Ramirez nodded and presented his hand to her

"Then come with us, both of you, we'll help you" The mom was hesitant but she obliged, her daughter is still clutching her clothes. As they got out medical personnel immediately sent them to a medical APC just behind the troops, this incident was repeated all over the city even near the center

Overall, 2500 survived but with severe injuries. The reinforcement then established a temporary medical triage for both civilian and troops

Meanwhile, the rest of the convoy continued to secure house by house near the City center. Some resistance were met but after a brief fire fight they immediately surrendered with their hands up, turns out these were militia. Fanatics who are supportive of King Graendalt, these were essentially Fortunian Volkssturm those who will fight for the city

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