Chapter 6: "Operation Storm" Part 2

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Outside of Ancala
July 26, 1632 (2:50 AM)


Alpha Group has been walking for a mile now, it turns out they've over shot their landing zone, typical. Now they're slogging through a heavily forested area they've encountered several cavalry patrols and even a supply convoy of the Fortunian Army

Some of the men wants to attack the convoy now but the Leader didn't permit it, because one; they were surrounded and two; even if they managed to kill them off, Bravo and Charlie Group would be hunted down. Leaving them sitting ducks, so the request was scrapped

Time passes, they've finally arrived at the main gate of the Port City of Ancala. They saw that the main gate is guarded but very very lightly; we're talking about 4 guards at most, half of which were sleeping. While the other half was drunk beyond their years

Nonetheless, they covertly entered the city.
But suddenly they were confronted by a drunk guard

Guard: Eeeyy(hick)! Ya-youuu haven't paid your entrance(hick!) Come-(hick) ooon! Pay up!

Alpha Group stopped, they really didn't want a commotion but sometimes it comes to them, one of the soldiers of Alpha Group then gave the one of them a sack of crushed glass. He rattled and it sounded like coins, satisfied he then dropped it onto the Guard's table...

Guard: There we-(hick) go! That wasn't hard was it? Now of you go! You mongrel stiffs!

As the guard hubbled away, Alpha Group then hurriedly went through the dark alleyways of the city

(A/n: "AGS"=Alpha Group Soldier)

AGS 1: "Sir, all clear. We've made contact with both Bravo and Charlie, they wanted some backup..."

The leader was confused, "Why?..." AGS leader asked. "We've got our hands full, why do they need backup?"

AGS 1: Well...


Bravo and Charlie Group

"Clear left"..."Clear right!"..."Room, Clear..!"

Several footsteps were heard throughout the abandoned building, Both groups are kicking rooms open. They were at the mid level when they heard a clamoring of feet not originating from them, with NVG's on, they now move with focus and precision. Sone of the soldiers were still checking rooms for safety

As they follow the "3rd party's" footsteps, they saw a feet but it was too small for a full grown adult. They followed and followed and followed... until it stops at the most corner door. A single door in the corner, it was a shooter's wet dream nowhere to hide or to cover from

They then stack up, others hide at the two other rooms that was beside it. Then the breacher came forward shotgun in hand, first he pushed the door a little bit identifying the hinges, he then tried the door knob he twist it...


It was unlocked, he was then tapped by Bravo's Group leader. The leader and the breacher replaced their position, rifle trained at the door.

BSG leader: Weapons tight... breaching in...3....2.....1


He kicked the door open and immediately every soldier was now storming in the room, eyes open and rifles trained. There were no one inside beside the unkempt bed and several broken furnitures

"Are you sure that there was someone in here sir?" One of the soldiers asked, "Yes, I'm not mistaken there was a foot" the leader defended his judgement

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