Chapter 7: Floating Fires

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Myanmarese Channel
3:11 AM
Fortunian Invasion Fleet
Flagship: FRS Phalanx

300-400 strong fleet of ships is seen floating through the channel seemingly unopposed and formidable, led by their Commander/Admiral Valsen Krön, he stands upon the deck and observes the surrounding with a prideful smirk

"Whoever this nation is, they will cower beneath this fleet" Valsen said to himself. Several marines were seen cleaning and measuring their muskets and powder powder pouches, one of them even testing the locking mechanism itself

"Sir, we have mana transmission from his majesty. Urgent" one of his officers said sternly. Valsen nodded and have his officer take him to the mana globe, there, Graendalt is seen already anticipating his presence

Valsen bowed before him, "Sir, what reason have you summoned me?", "The savages have already invaded Ancala, several regiments have already fallen. I only want to know if you're already there..."

Valen then stood up, "Not yet sir, but in mere hours we will be..." They were interrupted by a loud explosion outside, "What's going on?!" Graendalt demanded, Valsen immediately went to the window of the ship. What he saw scared him...

Rods of light seemingly descends from the sky and hitting and destroying their ships to nothing but timbers and splinters. "We're being attacked, Sir!" Graendalt's eyes widen in surprise and horror. "Attack any enemy ships that you see with our own fury!"

The mana globe then shuts off leaving the Valsen and his officers in their predicament, "Contact every ship to full sail! We will finde these savages and sink them!" Valsen loudly ordered as every single of his officers scrambling out

Meanwhile with the USEAN Fleet
UNS Jakarta

UNS Jakarta and the rest of the fleet still maintains their heading despite the possibility of encountering the large fleet, then the Captain of UNS Jakarta radioed in

<UNS Jakarta to Invasion Fleet "Prima", you are to move ahead with the invasion plan. You will be escorted by one of the destroyers to move ahead>

Immediately, every landing dock ships and auxiliary ships split off including one of the destroyers named "Can Tho" with them. Now it leaves 3 Destroyers to face off at least 300 ships, they're essentially outnumbered; 10:1. Every crew members of these ships were now on high alert, Radars, Ammunitions, Torpedoes and even CIWS rounds were being prepared and calibrated

Suddenly one of the officers entered the bridge, "Sir, all of our systems are calibrated". The Captain nodded as he wore his helmet awaiting doomsday

As time went on, the 3 destroyers now see the fleet. Impressive was an understatement upon seeing them their but what they were relieve to see is that a number of their missiles managed to hit several of their ships. Then, one of the wooden ships fired at them but it impacted short from the Destroyers, then suddenly all of the nearest Ships fired upon them

But it had the same results, the cannon balls landed short. Now it's the Destroyer's turn to shoot, "XO, have one of our guns bracket that ship" the Captain pointed the lead ship. The XO and issued the coordinates to the fire controller

Suddenly the Destroyer's main gun fired in fury...

FRS Phalanx

Valsen cursed in frustration, they have to sail in closer to hit one of those huge iron ships of USEAN. "Damn the gods, they've managed to buy some of those ships from the Dwarven Empire, damn it all!"

Then, he saw one of the ships fired their single canon – suddenly he was thrown halfway through the deck. Face covered in wooden splinters, blood and a concussion, he recollected himself but it didn't matter. The iron ship managed to destroy the main mast and collapsed at the port side

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