Chapter 18: Battle of Fort De La Vega (Part 2)

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Hantu's POV

The crew of the AC-130J prepared their weapons to bare against the remaining defenders of Fort De La Vega, "Gun ready!" The gunner for the 105mm shouted. The combat system's officer gave him a thumbs up and looked through his camera then his radio chimed in

"Be advised, a convoy of the remaining enemy reinforcements is heading towards to our guys" the AC-130's FCO said with a concerned tone

"Roger, we're tracking them as we speak...

*Through the camera*

*Through the camera*

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"...switching to 25 mils". With a click, they chose the 25mm rotary cannon to eliminate the remaining enemy convoy, "They're persistent, I'll give them credit to that..." Another TV operator said in a slight amusement

Then the whole plane slightly vibrated and a muffled "Brrt" from the rotary cannon let out its fury...

Then the whole plane slightly vibrated and a muffled "Brrt" from the rotary cannon let out its fury

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"Look at them run..." one of them commented at the result of their carnage. The camera then pans out and looked at their own guys who was now inside the fort. As they watched them go door-to-door on each compound they scanned the whole area to look for any stragglers or anyone who's gonna try to ambush them, they didn't have to look far when a large cluster of Fortunian soldiers got out from one of the compounds.

"I got several dozen enemy combatants moving from west to east...", "Roger west to advised to all ground units, take cover, we're gonna bomb-fuck that area with 105 and 40 mil rounds" they warned the soldiers on the ground, the Division Commander got the message and radioed them the green light to proceed

Several "THUMP" were heard and felt around the plane as the 40mm bofors and 105 mm fired their high explosive rounds at the enemy below, " got hits right there..." The FCO commented while seeing the whole operation. "Thanks for the assist, Hunta!" The Division Commander said with an appreciative tone on her voice

The carnage continues as the gunship wreak havoc across the enemy Fort, pieces of brick houses and buildings fly out in the distance. The soldiers called the gunship the "Black Dragon" due to its color scheme, when they hear it flying they try to run but they cannot escape it due to it having state of the art Thermal cameras. "We got a runner here" the FCO

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