Chapter 23: Opening up to the World

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January 15, 1633

It had been months since the invasion and the re-establishment of the monarchy in Fortuna began, out of the 2 million Fortunians, about 150,000 had died during the war. Factions that were loyal to Graendalt were hunt down by both USEAN and the newly established Fortunian Royal Guards, Graendalt meanwhile was hanged for treason and attempted murder of the royal family, fanatics that still resides within the island either arrested or executed mainly from previous nobles and senators who sided with him

As for the people, they were both grateful and fearful of the USEANs due to their powerful weaponry, there were resentment from the populace at first but as the months dragged on. They were slowly accepted by the people, in December a railroad grant was commissioned connecting the Capital and the surrounding ports and markets all over the island. Although the railroad was still unfinished nearby towns benefitted the newly established railway

Prime Minister Lin even visited Fortuna as she met with King Frederick at the Capital's gate and shook hands with him, it was a 7 day visit and some further discussions about security and economic assistance on her part.

The scene then changed to an Airbus A400M Atlas smoothly flying through the clouds above Fortuna, the occupants inside were a mix of soldiers and businessmen. These businessmen are one of the first people on the civilian sector to be put on Fortuna, the others were Medics, Teachers/Professors and Researchers.

The program introduced was a slow integration and accumulation of local and international markets to further open up USEAN to this new world

As the plane starts its descent, the Cambodian businessman named Kosal looked out through the window and saw the newly built airfield, "Wow, they sure built it faster than I could anticipate...", "Tell me about" a fellow businessman beside him said with the same surprised tone. They then felt the jolt from landing on the tarmac, as the plane was guided to the designated hangar. The rear cargo bay doors then opened to drop them off, they were then escorted to a nearby holding where several vehicles are seen in line


They were now driving through the countryside seeing all manners of the landscape from flat plains to hills. Kosal looked at the wildlife that was running about through the land

Some looked like it came from Earth while others came from their fantasy books, Dragons, fire breathing rhinos and an honest-to-god Unicorn, but those horns are for battling for mates

"I gotta say, my kids would've loved this place especially the unicorns. My daughters would've squealed" Kosal said reminiscing about reading her daughter a fantasy book but now? It's real

"I wouldn't blame them, my daughter would also do that too" Kosal's colleague agreed,

As the van slowed down, they saw a newly built guard post at the entrance of the Capital. The new fortunian guards were carrying old cold war weapons like; M16, M14s and AK-47s their uniforms were also from that era but its mostly American uniforms

"ID and invitation papers, please" asked by one of the guards. The driver handed him a paper that has a royal seal and his ID, after a minute or two they entered the city.

Despite in ruins just months ago, the city is now mostly rebuilt from the ground up. Stone building were replaced with concrete and rebar, paved roads and electricity throughout the city.

As they drove through the newly constructed senate building, they saw the King's palace. It reminiscent of the Buckingham palace back on Earth but with less gold and intricate artistry, as they stopped at the entrance a woman in formal suit greeted them with a smile

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