Chapter 19: Operation Typhoon: "The Calm"

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Somewhere in the Northern Sea of Fortuna
August 27, 1632
0300 AM

A battlegroup consisting of 1 Nuclear Submarine, 5 Destroyers, 1 Auxiliary Fleet ship, 4 Amphibious Assault Ship and an Aircraft Carrier is seen sailing through the somewhat calm seas despite the storm warning from the mainland. It was 3 am but the ships is full of activity mainly from the Aircraft Carrier

Onboard UNS ACV-67 Khamir Assan

The ship was busy preparing the jets for take off and landing at the same time, colorful protection vests wore by the sailors on board are noticeable. Arrestor cables are being layed out to land F/A-18 Super Hornets on to the deck while the other 2 are being escorted to the catapults to be launched

The pilots of the 2 Super Hornets got in their planes and did their last minute aircraft maintenance checks, "Shark 3-6 you're in second line" a Catapult Officer called out one of the Super Hornets.

"Shark 3-6, roger" the jet's pilot answered, "All right sir, I need you to go ahead and tap the brakes, check the flaps and stabs", "You heard him, check 'em for me" the pilot looked to his back and checked both the left and right giving the flight deck crew a thumbs up

"System check weapons, initiate HMO sensor..." The co-pilot then turned his weapons system on and checked to see if its tip-top shape, "Weapons and countermeasures are good to go..." The co-pilot confirming the plane's systems are ready

The pilot nodded, "Alright, we got good ends, good highs, good lows, no out lights. Ready in the back..?" The co-pilot gave him a thumbs and held on, "... Here we go". The first Super Hornet beside them was launched first with an incredible speed from the Carrier's catapult system, then it's their turn. The yellow vest flight crew then gestured a go-ahead to the Catapult Officer and nods, "Go on CAT-4" the second Super Hornet was now launched out of the Carrier and the pilots experienced a very high G force out of it, they were one of 20 who was tasked on bombing specific areas

ETA? Catlan, Fortuna only 300km from where the battlegroup was

Catlan, Fortuna

Everybody in the Capital are still on edge after what happened, stores and shops were closed, domestic and international were halted due to USEANs blockade of Air, Land and Sea, even trade was halted causing the economy of Fortuna to crash ever so slightly. Simple goods like bread and wheat went from single digits to 10x of that price, people began fleeing from the Capital for both escaping the incoming war and stability for any necessary goods

Despite the ballistic strike, King Graendalt is still alive he was lucky enough to be out of his palace at the time of the strike. But most of his senate was killed on those times so now he was in-charge, not long after the strike he immediately got a report that the two of his seemingly "impenetrable" fortresses was gone within the day, he was furious to say the least

Any Fortunians that managed to escape the battle of the two forts retreated back to Catlan and they were immediately integrated with the rest of the defenders of the city, now they were numbering up to 40,000 soldiers, 50 Tanks and 150 Wyvern Riders. The city was also barricaded to force the USEANs on fighting close quarter combat, some of the survivors suggested this because they thought the USEANs were incapable of this strategy, they were wrong on that account

Now King Graendalt's fanatics were now also joining in to the fight, he called them "The People's Militia" since uniform aren't available all that much they were using civilian clothes to compensate the lack of it

Now we see them placing anti tank mines on their major roads and junctions, "Alright, put a row hear and careful with the placements. We need full effectiveness out of them, this is our last stockpile..." A combat engineer said while guiding the militia to place the last remaining AT mines on their roads

King Graendalt is seen on top of the destroyed senate building while observing the progress of their defensive structures and emplacements, then his retinue comes to him and said, "Sir, our wyvern scouts saw a large column of USEAN convoy heading here. Unfortunately, 3 of our scouts was shot down by their rods of light"

Graendalt sighed, "A necessary sacrifice, by the time that they're here we'll bleed them dry by taking our city. Inch. By bloody. Inch" He said with mad conviction, he grinned on the vision of USEAN officials bowing down to his knees and begging for forgiveness. But before he could finish his deluded fantasies, they heard a loud roar from the skies. The remaining glass windows of the once great city shattered because of the loud sound, everyone's ear were ringing after that

Unknown to them, USEAN pilots deliberately did that to disorient them, by buzzing them at least 80-100 feet just above them. For those who are unaffected, they immediately turned on the search lights and rang the Air Raid Sirens. Anti aircraft cannons made the sky looked like it was on fire, remaining mages casts a mana shield to protect from any incoming bombs, but this proved hopeless

As the first JDAMS was dropped, it wasn't they were expecting. The bombs exploded just 200 feet above them and let out bright "sparkles" some soldiers laughed in amusement, saying that their mages managed to made the enemy's weapons looked harmless but the mages knew this wasn't the case. As the first "sparkle" landed on one of the city's ammo depot, burned through the brick and steel and landed on one of their artillery shells

Not a moment later, a giant explosion rocked a single city block and scattering flaming debris throughout the surrounding area. Chaos errupted once again, an unfortunate soldier was struck by a "sparkle" it burned through his flesh as he screamed in agony, the mage beside him tried to extinguish it using a water spell

...Big mistake...

It burned even brighter and made a tiny explosion that, not only killing the soldier but also severely injuring the mage. Several wooden structures were also left burning after that event, the "sparkles" that the USEAN jets left weren't sparkles at all. They were magnesium bombs that used thermite cones to spread out the payload, Tanks, houses, ammo warehouses and other light structures were heavily affected some even triggering the mines that supposed to be destroying USEAN tanks and vehicles were set a light creating chaos even more

Meanwhile thousands of feet above them Super Hornets were lining up their bomb sights to attack specific areas of the city, then a call was heard from their radio, "Grid Charlie, 2-4 adamant 5-7; Bombs away". Nearly 60,000lbs of explosives was raining down on the Capital, destroying anti aircraft weaponry, vehicles, strategic buildings and remaining weapons and ammo depot. They repeat the bombardment, 2 more sorties, as the hours gone by they were ordered back to the carrier

As for Graendalt, he was taking cover inside a bunker with his remaining generals. They saw and felt the bunker shook, hanging lights sway violently and even reinforced doors being unscrewed. As the explosions died down, Graendalt dared to go outside and what he saw nearly brought him to his knees.

The city was levelled only some of the more well-built structures remained, but most were torn down nearly to its foundation. Anti aircraft emplacements were destroyed or damaged to the point of uselessness, bunkers that could handle artillery shells lay shattered like its made of glass, the famous tower "The Tower of his Majesty" collapsed to the west, hitting both the senate building and the museum. Nothing but gravel, smoke, bodies and fire remains in the capital, any remaining medics were stretched thin to a point that most of them are breaking down due to how many casualties they're handling.

But even after all of these, fanatics and his inner circle remained steadfast, executing those who refused to fight among them and hanging those who defied their orders. He thought that this was USEANs ultimate attack, their all or nothing but he forgotten that there's a large convoy of USEAN military coming towards them

Initial casualties are:

3,500 Soldiers

100 Tanks

35 Wyvern Riders

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