Chapter 24: Konig and Kasami

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Bierstadt, Republic of Konig

January 25, 1633

Frieda has been tracking the UIB agents for 10 days now, her suspicions about the two of them are correct but command wanted physical evidence to prove that it's true. So for the past 10 days she's been stalking the two in different areas of the city, collecting thrown out papers from their journals, taking pictures and marking frequented areas

As she finishes the mission she was contacted by her superior officer that the plan got leaked somehow and was ordered to lay low. Now, she was staying at her old apartment building. This place was erased from her official and personal records so it was virtually non existent, but there were still suspicious cars driving through the roads, or least to her


The skies above Konig started to darken as the storm that was announced through radio earlier was coming, pitter patter of droplets is heard inside her apartment. Frieda is seen compiling every evidence that she had obtained, she drank her coffee and sighed that her fellow operatives weren't compromised

As she finishes both her coffee and files, she heard a knock on the door. Quickly, she got her pistol that has an attached suppressor on and looked through the small peeping lens. To her surprise, it was the two UIB agents that she was stalking days ago

She then heard their conversation, "Told you so, she's asleep. Let's go, the Taxi's meter is running", "Calm down, I'll just slide it under the door"

True to the other agent's word, a pair of letters is slid under the door. She then heard footsteps walking away from her door, she then cautiously opened it and looked left and right to see if they're still there. Fortunately for her they weren't there anymore, she then shut and locked her door and read the letter

She examined it and realized that it was a coded letter from high command saying that the perpetrators are apprehended, that she and other operatives are clear to continue their missions

She let out a sigh of relief and burned the letters in the fire place, she then took the files and placed it inside of her brief case

But unknown to her, they've already read and decode the letter and know her whereabouts


Inside the Taxi

Heinz is seen reading a newspaper while Friederich is looking through the window, looking at the city's building and establishment

"This does look like 1930s Germany just without the National Socialist Party running amok and an Austrian painter spreading his fantasies" Friederich said in a satisfying tone

"Agreed, but do you think giving her the letters is a good idea?" Heinz asked him about his decision. In truth, Friederich might as well tell everyone even the diplomat that Konig agents tried to sabotage them

Like two days ago, a Konig agent in disguise tried to "assassinate" Ambassador Timawa. In reality, they were trying to probe on how good their security is. In his personal opinion, that was unprofessional and could spark an unnecessary war against Konig

They captured the agents and "thoroughly" probed and interrogated them into giving up any information that they had, at first they didn't budge but after calling them by their real name, names of their family and loved ones. They started talking like chickens in a chicken coop

"Yes, we know that she's been stalking us for about 10 days and we need to give her that false sense of security" Heinz looked at him weird. "That's fucked up..." He said shaking his read and continued reading his paper

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