Chapter 17: Battle of Fort De La Vega (Part 1)

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August 26, 1632
11:00 AM

The road to De La Vega was different, the rain from 2 hours ago was heavy and it made the road a lot more muddy and slippery. Tanks were out of the question so the APCs and Trucks were pulled up, even those are having a bit if a trouble the personnel then grabbed logs or any planks and strapped them onto their APC Soviet-style. It worked but it wasted their time and it might compromise their element of surprise

20,000 were allocated for this battle, and 10,000 more will be brought from the troops back in Fort Santiago after their battle. For now, they were the only ones who were raiding this fort, but unlike those in Santiago that have tanks. This force has a predator-like drone hovering above them, ready to strike at their order from the base.

As they trudges on, one of them spotted a flying object, "Wyvern! Six o' clock! Hide! Hide!", "Get down and stay down!" Some of them shouted as they put on a camo net over their APCs hoping that they weren't spotted and if they did, their 9k333 Verba's and FIM-92J Stinger Missile are at the ready to bring down that Wyvern

As they were hiding behind and under the trees, the Division Commander took out her binoculars and observed the Wyvern Rider. The rider scanned the area that their APCs are currently hiding, he looked pissed and by the looks of it he couldn't spot their vehicles. As both beast and rider left, she let out a sigh of relief and ordered her men to take off the camo net, one by one they took it off and continued to trudge the muddy terrain


2 Hours had passed since their journey to the Fort, they're radioing the base as what the other force's progress was. Fort Santiago was a bloody house to house, building to building fighting. 20 dead and 350 injured at the battle but they were making progress. As they neared the Fort that was on top of a hill, they heard rumbling and clanking of chains. They all stopped and dismounted out of their APCs and Trucks, most formed a perimeter while some scouted and looked for the source of the sound

As they neared the crest of the hill, the sounds were becoming more louder clearer, "Tanks..." Muttered one of them. They then split up and peaked over the crest, they saw a line of infantry and tanks rolling off with crates of what seems to be supplies. Then one of them, radioed to the main force, "Nest actual this Watch Dog, do you copy, over?"

A long radio silence was only heard until their radio crackled to life, "This is Nest, roger, loud and clear...", "We've got foot soldiers and Tanks hauling with crates of supplies just 600 meters from our position, what's your call ma'am?" The Commander thought about, in her head it might be the Fortunian reinforcement, on the other hand it might be them retreating from their own Fort

She then made her decision, "Loiter and eliminate as much of them as possible, capture any survivors if possible, Lieutenant...", "Copy that, Ma'am" the Lieutenant then talked to his men about their rules of engagement, they agreed and set up a perimeter


Fortunian soldiers is seen walking confidently on the road, some were sharing cigarettes while others were just eating their lunch. Rhombus tanks rumbled and clanked while escorting the infantry, their sponson machine guns and cannons. What they didn't know is that they're being watched from a distance

"Say, what are you going to do after the war?" One of them asked, the guy beside him shrugged. "Settle down, maybe, or just buy a land and house and build a farm, I guess...?" He answered unsure if this war was going to end

Many people back home were now skeptical of the continued war with this "USEAN" nation, approximately 30,000 dead, wounded or captured was calculated when the train full of their troops didn't came back. Now, they're marching to Fort De La Vega reinforcing the fort and giving them fresh supplies from the Capital

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