Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It's been a week since Kim Jae-soo and An Na-ri filed their internship applications, and eight days since Kim Jae-soo last encountered Baek Ji-Ho. With each passing day, he felt a bit better, realizing that he had identified a trigger and was learning to avoid it. This new awareness made his nights more bearable, providing some relief following his rebirth.

As the weekend approached, Kim Jae-soo eagerly anticipated visiting his mother in Busan's Haebaragi (Sunflower) village, a place where everyone knew everyone else. He planned to surprise her, visiting earlier than he had told her.

His mother had relocated to the village after inheriting her adoptive parents' farm and small house on the outskirts of town. Luckily, he still remembered the way. Bidding goodbye to An Na-ri, who also decided to spend the weekend with his family, Jae-soo promised to reconnect in a few days. They agreed to return by Wednesday since their next important class was on Thursday.

With his backpack slung over his shoulder and a train ticket in hand, Jae-soo hurried out. As he made his way to the train station, he pondered what he could get for his mother to reassure her about his well-being. At the tube station, he came across a small shop selling scarves, purses, and other items. A soft, beautiful teal green scarf caught his eye, perfectly matching one of his mother's favorite coats. He bought the scarf, feeling pleased with his choice.

Jae-soo boarded the KTX train, clutching his ticket and the carefully chosen scarf. As the train sped towards Busan, his mind began to drift. He reminisced about his mother, wondering how she would react to seeing him again. He hoped she still had her lovely smile and her gentle, encouraging words that had always given him strength.

With every mile that brought him closer to his childhood home, Jae-soo's anticipation grew. The village of Haebaragi was a place of warm memories and simpler times, a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil he had experienced in recent years. He longed to feel the embrace of his mother, to hear her voice, and to find solace in the familiar surroundings of his past.

Two hours flew by, and soon Jae-soo found himself boarding another bus to his hometown.

When he arrived, he took a deep breath, savoring the familiar air. He walked slowly along the road leading into the town, which was bustling with life. It was a little after 3 p.m., and children were playing under the watchful eyes of older siblings, while the ajummas sat under the shade of the largest tree in town—a monument that had saved the town from demolition by a large development company five years ago.

The hot weather had everyone in light clothing, many carrying manual fans, and the ajummas wearing hats to shield their faces from the sun. Kim Jae-soo pulled out his phone, using it as an excuse to avoid the curious stares and whispered remarks that followed him. Even after all these years, he struggled to endure the scrutiny, but contacting his mother gave him a sense of purpose and distraction.

"Jae-soo," his mother's voice answered, warm and familiar.

"Eomma, what are you up to?" he asked, his heart lifting at the sound of her voice. He continued walking towards his childhood home, his eyes focused straight ahead, ignoring the peripheral chatter and glances.

Her soothing chuckle echoed through the phone's speaker, a sound he had missed dearly. "I'm out in the back garden pulling weeds," she replied.

"Sounds like hard work," he said with a smile, picturing her in the garden, tending to the plants she loved. "Do you need any help?"

"I'm managing just fine, but a little company would be nice," she said, her tone playful yet inviting.

"Is that so?" he said, quickening his pace. The thought of seeing her, and being enveloped in her warmth and love, filled him with a sense of peace and anticipation.

As he neared the house, memories of his childhood came flooding back—the laughter, the warmth, the love that had always been a part of his life here. He turned the corner and saw the familiar house.

She couldn't understand why her son was so interested in her gardening, but it warmed her heart nonetheless. Squatting in front of her cherry tomato patch, she dropped her tools with a smile, looking towards the end fence of her little house.

She missed her son worrying about her, and this newfound attention was a welcome change. Suddenly, the back door of the house creaked open, and there he was—her baby boy, standing just behind her.

"Jae-soo?" She quickly stood up, turning to face him. As their eyes met, she saw the tears welling in his eyes, reflecting a heart-wrenching sadness.

"Eomma," he whispered, shaking his head before rushing into her arms. He sobbed deeply as she held him, her own heart aching with worry and love. She guided him inside the house, wanting to shield him from their nosy neighbor who might come out and start asking intrusive questions.

"Shh, don't cry, Jae-ah. Who bullied you? Tell Eomma, and she will fight for you," she said, trying to comfort him. Her words, soft and tender, seemed to pierce his heart even more, making him cry harder. They were like gentle cotton triggers, hitting him with both warmth and overwhelming emotion.

After what felt like an eternity, his sobs began to subside. He lifted his head from her abdomen, his eyes swollen and almost shut, his nose bright red, and his lips forming a small pout, making him look like a distressed puppy. His mother couldn't help but giggle softly, patting his head as he hiccupped.

"Let me get you some water," she said, jumping to her feet and rushing to the kitchen. She quickly filled a glass with cool water and brought it back to him.

"Here, drink this," she said gently, handing him the glass. He took it with trembling hands, drinking slowly as she watched him with a mix of concern and love.

She remained deeply concerned about her son, worried that he had been bullied, and her mind was already planning how to follow him back to Seoul and confront anyone who dared to mistreat him.

"No one bullied me," he said softly knowing her thoughts, placing the glass on his lap. "I just missed you so much." His mother didn't quite believe him but chose not to press the matter further.

"You must be hungry and tired; let me prepare something for you," she said, standing up. Kim Jae-soo, terrified at the thought of her leaving, clung to her waist, shaking his head. "I'm not hungry," he insisted.

Understanding that her son had endured hardships and was now too afraid to share them, she decided to stay by his side. She guided him to his childhood room, the familiar surroundings offering a semblance of comfort.

As he lay down, she sat beside him, gently caressing his head. Her touch soothed him, and soon he began to drift off to sleep. She watched over him, her heart aching for the pain he was clearly trying to hide.

Once he was fast asleep, she carefully stood up, adjusting his body into a more comfortable position. His sleeping habits hadn't changed, she noticed with a bittersweet smile.

As she sat back down on the bed to remove his shirt, leaving only his tank top, Kim Jae-soo continued to sleep soundly. Gently pulling one of his hands from the sleeve, she noticed a loose band-aid and a thick hand band beneath it. With trembling hands, she removed the band-aid and was faced with a fresh scar on her son's beautiful fair wrist, along with several scratch marks. Her heart ached, and she hesitated to remove the hand band, fearing what she might discover.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she forced herself to remain calm. She carefully cleaned his injuries, replacing the old bandages with new ones. As she did so, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sorrow and helplessness. How had things gotten so bad for her precious boy?

After tending to his wounds, she gently slipped his shirt back on, her movements tender and careful. She sniffed, trying to hold back her tears, and stood up to leave the room, her mind heavy with worry.

She walked back to the kitchen, her heart pounding with a mix of anger and sadness. Who had hurt her son so deeply that he felt the need to harm himself?

A/N: Sorry darlings for the late update. work is getting harder and stressful each days that even my saturdays aren't spared closing at 9 pm isn't really fun but i love your supports in the comments. Thank you very much 

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