chapter 3

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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter.

Chapter three

Kim Jae soo's palms were clammy, his forehead dotted with beads of sweat from nervousness. The corners of his eyes reddened, barely holding back tears as he looked to his group of friends for support. They met his gaze with seemingly encouraging nods, urging him to go ahead with his love confession and to present the handmade gift he had crafted for the school prince.

Unbeknownst to Kim Jae soo, as he turned away, each friend stealthily pulled out their phones, eager to capture what they expected to be a spectacle. In their minds, they mocked him: 'Who allowed this little round fool to confess to the school prince right here in the busiest spot on campus?'

Around them, onlookers—referred to colloquially as 'melon eaters' for their love of drama—gathered with metaphorical bags of popcorn, ready to relish the scene they anticipated would unfold: the school prince rejecting the awkward advances of the so-called little round frog.

Despite the whispers and giggles that fluttered through the air, Kim Jae pressed on. His friends had convinced him that confessing in such a public setting was ideal. They argued that the school prince, bound by his reputation for kindness and concern for his public image, would not dare humiliate him in front of such a crowd. Kim Jae, desperate for affection and validation, had clung to this reasoning, convincing himself of the prince's gentle nature.

As he stepped forward, his heart thumped wildly against his ribs, a tumultuous mix of hope and fear. He rehearsed the lines in his head, each word heavy with the weight of his feelings. This was his moment, he believed, to finally be seen as more than just the 'little round fool'—to be acknowledged and perhaps even loved.

But deep down, amidst the hopeful flutter of his heart, a small, insidious doubt lingered. He swallowed hard, his next steps possibly setting the course for his greatest joy or his deepest embarrassment.

Behind Baek Ji Hu, his entourage loomed—Man Sung-ho, his best friend, alongside Choi Su-jin and her two ever-present followers. Man Sung-ho wore a look of shock as he observed the ger trembling before them. Kim Jae-soo's large, expressive eyes and rounded cheeks might have been charming under different circumstances, but now they were overshadowed by the growing sweat stains darkening his shirt.

[ahh, he suddenly became a water bender, and his shirt is now soaked]

[pfft, haha, he looks overcooked]

Muffled chuckles spread through the crowd, each laugh a dagger to Kim Jae-soo's heart. He bowed his head, his hand aching from the weight of the unaccepted gift he still held outstretched.

'Please take it,' he silently pleaded, hoping the school prince would at least acknowledge the gesture, even if only to discard it later.

But no response came. With a heavy heart, Kim Jae-soo raised his eyes again, only to meet Baek Ji Hu's cold, indifferent stare. Without a word, the prince turned, walking away with an arm slung casually over Man Sung-ho's shoulder. Choi Su-jin shot Kim Jae-soo a look of sheer disgust before hurrying after them, her high heels clicking sharply against the floor.

As if this weren't enough, her minions cruelly dumped iced coffee over Kim Jae-soo's head. The cold liquid sent a shiver down his spine, freezing him in place while laughter erupted around him. The crowd's amusement was palpable, echoing off the school walls as they dispersed, leaving him standing alone, drenched and humiliated.

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