Chapter 36

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Kim Jae-soo's heart raced as he cradled his feverish three-year-old, Baek Mi-reu, against his chest. The digital thermometer read a daunting 102.3 °F, its beep echoing ominously in the silent, shadowed living room. It was well past midnight, the world outside his window a void of darkness, mirroring his growing sense of isolation.

Baek Ji-Hu, his husband, was on a work trip in a remote location, and his phone was unreachable. The crushing weight of being the sole caretaker in this critical moment made Kim Jae-soo's hands tremble. Mi-reu's soft whimpers pierced his heart, the little boy's discomfort evident in his flushed cheeks and listless eyes.

Kim Jae-soo had always prided himself on his preparedness, devouring parenting books and attending every available workshop. Yet, standing alone in their living room, with his sick child burning up in his arms, he felt unmoored, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

"Mi-reu, dammy's here," he whispered, striving for calmness he didn't feel. He glanced at the humidifier, ensuring it was working, then back at the medicine cabinet, fraught with indecision. The quiet of the house seemed to amplify his fear, each tick of the clock a stark reminder of his son's discomfort.

With a shaky breath, Kim Jae-soo reached for his phone, his mind racing through his contacts for someone who could help. At this moment of despair, the memory of Lucas, their family driver, flashed through his mind—a man whose kindness had always stretched beyond his duties, a steadfast presence in their lives. Without hesitation, Kim Jae-soo dialed his number, his voice trembling as he explained the urgency.

"Lucas, it's Mi-reu. He's... he's really sick. We need to get him to the hospital. Now," Jae-soo's voice broke, the last word a plea.

"I'll be there in five minutes," Lucas replied without hesitation, his assurance a lifeline in Jae-soo's swirling panic.

True to his word, Lucas arrived promptly, his concern evident as he saw the distress etched on Jae-soo's face and the listlessness of Mi-reu in his arms.

Jae-soo didn't waste a moment. Wrapping Mi-reu in a blanket, he grabbed his keys and wallet, forgetting his shoes in his rush. The cool night air hit Jae-soo's bare feet as he hurried outside, cradling Mi-reu close. Lucas was already there, the car running and the back door open, ready to whisk them to the hospital.

The drive through the deserted streets was a blur of shadow and light. Jae-soo held Mi-reu close, whispering words of comfort, feeling the warmth of his son's fevered body against his own. Lucas navigated the empty roads with precision, his silent dedication a steady reassurance amidst the chaos of Jae-soo's thoughts.

As the hospital lights came into view, a wave of relief washed over Jae-soo mingled with a gnawing fear of what was to come. The transition from the silent, tense atmosphere of the car to the brightly lit, bustling emergency room was jarring. The sudden flurry of activity, the medical staff's swift responses, and the hospital interior's clinical brightness marked a stark contrast to the quiet desperation of their journey.

Lucas stayed by Jae-soo's side, a silent guardian as Jae-soo answered questions and filled out forms, his presence a comforting reminder of the support surrounding him and Mi-reu. In this whirlwind of fear and hope, Jae-soo found a strength he hadn't known he possessed, fueled by the love for his son and the collective effort to heal Mi-reu.

After staying awake through the night, Kim Jae-soo fell asleep without realizing he had passed out. His bare feet had little cuts from running around outside. When he woke up, he saw Baek Mi-reu and Baek Ji-Hu talking softly in the corner. Mi-reu was rambling about God knows what, but Ji-Hu looked at him attentively as the child chattered on.

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