Chapter 42

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Chapter 42.

Na-ri's phone buzzed with a new message from Man Sung-ho, breaking the silence that had settled over the café table. Kim Jae-soo glanced over but didn't comment, returning to his work behind the counter.

Na-ri opened the message with a small smile playing on his lips.

Teletubbies-ho🍃: Hey, where are you right now?

Na-Na: I am at the café where Jae-soo works. What do you want?

Teletubbies-ho🍃: Can't I miss my wife?

Na-ri blushed, his cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. He hesitated before replying.

Na-Na: What wife?

Teletubbies-ho🍃: Fine, fine. Can I come over?

Na-Na: Are you alone?

Teletubbies-ho🍃: Maybe? Have you eaten?

At the mention of food, Na-ri's curiosity was piqued, and he momentarily forgot the question he intended to ask. The thought of food always had that effect on him.

Na-Na: I haven't eaten yet. Are you taking me out?

Teletubbies-ho🍃: Of course. I'll be there in a bit. We can go to your favorite restaurant.

Na-ri smiled, a sense of excitement bubbling up at the prospect of spending time with Sung-ho and enjoying his favorite dishes. He put his phone away and looked over at Kim Jae-soo, who was diligently working behind the counter.

The bell above the door chimed softly, and the warm, familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods enveloped them. Sung-ho immediately spotted Na-Ri and waved, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Kim Jae-soo was taken aback by the sight of Ji-Hu and Man Sung-ho. He quickly masked his surprise, while An Na-ri, in the middle of informing Kim Jae-soo about Man Sung-ho's arrival, glared at Sung-ho for bringing Ji-Hu without warning.

The atmosphere grew tense as Ji-Hu took a seat, followed by Sung-ho, who pulled Na-ri down beside him. Na-ri was visibly annoyed at Sung-ho for not informing him about Ji-Hu's presence. Sensing his mistake, Sung-ho tried to act cutely, hoping to win back Na-ri's favor.

"You said we were going to eat somewhere, so let's go," Na-ri said, pulling Sung-ho to his feet, his irritation evident.

"Can't Dumpling join us?" Sung-ho asked, looking at Kim Jae-soo, who had approached their table.

"No, thank you for the offer, but I'm still working," Kim Jae-soo replied, his eyes flicking to Ji-Hu, who was aimlessly scrolling through his phone.

"Then we'll wait," Sung-ho insisted, causing Na-ri to pinch him in frustration.

As if on cue, Na-ri's stomach rumbled loudly, betraying his hunger.

"Fine, let's go," Sung-ho said, sounding disappointed as Na-ri pulled him toward the door.

"You guys go ahead," Ji-Hu said, not looking up from his phone. He continued typing away, seemingly uninterested in joining the group. Na ri looked at his friend with worry in his eyes but finally left after seeing kim jae soo nod softly.

Kim Jae-soo watched as Na-ri and Sung-ho left the café, feeling a mix of worry and tension. Ji-Hu's presence always unsettled him, bringing back memories he preferred to forget. He took a deep breath and forced a smile before turning to Ji-Hu.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Ji-Hu looked up from his phone, his dark eyes meeting Kim Jae-soo's. For a moment, there was a silence between them.

"Just a cup of cinnamon ginger punch, please," Ji-Hu finally replied, his tone neutral.

"Here or take out?" Jae soo asked.


Kim Jae-soo nodded and went to prepare the cinnamon ginger punch. As he worked, his mind raced.

Kim Jae-soo had always found it difficult to be around Ji-Hu, the man who was both a painful memory and a lingering question in his life. 'Do I still love him or hate him?' This question popped up in his mind whenever he saw Ji-Hu, making him anxious. His scars started to itch again, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. After serving Ji-Hu his cinnamon ginger punch, he rushed into the bathroom, not taking notice of Ji-Hu's lingering gaze.

In front of the mirror, Kim Jae-soo stared at his reflection, his mind a chaotic mess of questions running through his head. Questions he couldn't answer, and the only one who could provide those answers was the Ji-Hu of his past life.

Anxiously, he failed to notice his nails digging into his scars. His eyes became blurry, and tears rolled down his cheeks. 'Was I that much of a bad person that I suffered in the past?'

He bit his lip, trying to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape. The memories of his past life flooded back—memories of loneliness, betrayal, and pain. He had loved Ji-Hu deeply, but that love had been marred by misunderstandings and manipulation fueled by the Choi family.

Taking a deep breath, he wiped his tears and tried to calm himself them immediated covered his reopened scars with the black hand band planning to handle it when he got home. He needed to focus on the present, not get lost in the shadows of his past. He splashed cold water on his face and took a few moments to steady his breathing.

Finally, he stepped out of the bathroom, feeling slightly more composed. As he walked back to the café floor, he caught sight of the empty table Ji-Hu had been sitting on, he eyed the table but went back to work.

It was already 6 p.m. when Kim Jae-soo received a call from an unknown number. His thoughts immediately drifted to Choi Min-Jun, and he quickly dismissed the call, choosing to ignore it. He had made sure to block the numbers Min-Jun had used to contact him before. Feeling relieved, he told Boss Shin and Ji-Su that he was off work. They kindly packed dinner for him to take back to the apartment he shared with Na-ri.

As he approached the apartment building, a familiar figure caught his eye. Su-Jin was standing at the entrance, looking anxious about something. The sight of her made Jae-soo flinch. His hands clenched into fists, and a wave of anger, hate, and bitterness washed over him.

Su-Jin was scanning the area until her eyes landed on Jae-soo. She walked towards him with a determined stride.

"You!" she addressed him sharply, her tone and attitude unchanged from the past. In that moment, all Jae-soo felt was rage.

"Who?" he replied, his voice cold and hard. He struggled to keep his emotions in check, every fiber of his being screaming to confront her for the countless ways she had wronged him.

Su-Jin hesitated for a moment, confused at his response.

A/N: Hey loves, so I have an interview tomorrow. wish me luck guys...

Quick Question: What do you think will happen between the cousin/ step siblings

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