Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

When Kim Jae-soo finally woke up, it was dark outside. Checking the time, he saw it was almost 7 p.m., and he noticed the fan his mother had placed in his room was rotating, providing a cool breeze. Realizing he had slept in his thick clothes, he sighed softly and got up.

He went into his small bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, staring at his swollen eyes and red nose. This was the best sleep he had gotten in a while. As he removed his clothes, he failed to notice the new band-aid his mother had applied. Instead, his gaze fell on his slender back and waist, where a blood-red cinnabar mark in the shape of a lotus flower rested.

Despite his chubby face, his body was in perfect shape. No one knew about the mark on his back except for his mother, though everyone was aware of his ger status. This mark had been another reason for the relentless bullying he endured, making him believe he was inferior until he got pregnant and had to almost drop out of school due to the shame.

Sighing, he wrapped both his wrists with nylon to prevent his scars from getting wet and infected. He took a careful shower, the warm water soothing his tense muscles. When he was done, he blow-dried his hair and then put on his pajamas.

Feeling a bit more refreshed, he stepped out of the bathroom and made his way to the kitchen. The smell of his mother's cooking filled the air, bringing a sense of comfort.

Kim Jae-soo's mother sat silently, lost in her thoughts. She knew she couldn't just confront him about his scars. All she wanted was for her ger son to be happy and at peace with himself. She had finished cooking a while back and kept his food in the microwave, unable to find the appetite to eat herself.

She couldn't bear the thought of losing her son again. Worried, she was chewing on her already short nails when she suddenly felt a hug from behind. Kim Jae-soo had noticed his mother's anxious habit of biting her nails and decided to hug her, just like he used to as a child. It always distracted her from whatever was making her anxious.

"Eomma, food," he whined, his tone playful. His mother laughed, the sound like music to his ears, and pointed at the microwave.

"But the weather is hot. I want cold noodles with runny eggs," he whined again, his voice laced with faux petulance. He was doing this to get her mind off whatever was worrying her, and it seemed to be working.

"Alright, alright," she said, smiling warmly as she got up. "Cold noodles with runny eggs it is."

She moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, pulling out the ingredients she needed. Jae-soo watched her, feeling a sense of comfort in the familiar routine. The kitchen filled with the sounds of cooking, the clinking of pots and pans, and the gentle hum of the stove.

As she prepared the noodles, she glanced back at her son, who was now sitting at the table, his eyes following her every move. "You know, Jae-ah," she said softly, "I'm always here for you. No matter what."

"I know, Eomma," he replied, his voice equally soft. "And I'm grateful for that. I love you."

She smiled, her heart swelling with love for her son. "I love you too, Jae-soo. More than you'll ever know."

A few minutes later, she set a plate of cold noodles with runny eggs in front of him. The sight of his favorite comfort food brought a genuine smile to his face.

"Thank you, Eomma," he said, picking up his chopsticks and digging in.

His mother sat down next to him with a cup of tea, watching him eat with a mix of relief and love. "Jae-soo," she said softly, "you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

He looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "I know, Eomma. And I will, I promise."

Her smile was both sad and hopeful. "That's all I need to hear," she replied, reaching out to squeeze his hand.

After an hour, they both sat in front of the TV screen with Kim Jae-soo still clinging to his mother, who caressed his head. They were engrossed in a dramatic palace drama about an imposing Emperor with over 15 beautiful concubines and a vicious empress dowager.

Palace dramas were the bloodiest because they portrayed a world where people willingly worked in the most dangerous place on earth and still bragged about not losing their heads every day.

"Ah, the empress dowager is so vicious," his mother commented as they watched the woman poison almost all the concubines, though she failed to harm the female protagonist, who always managed to escape the empress dowager's plots.

"Eomma, the most vicious is the female lead," Kim Jae-soo spoke up, causing his mother to look at him, confused.

"How?" she asked, turning to face him.

"She was the one who insulted the empress dowager's son, the current emperor, before entering his harem. She also fought against him every step, but suddenly she became all cute, soft, and innocent in front of the emperor like she wasn't the same person from before," Kim Jae-soo ranted as his mother smiled and continued to caress his hair.

"But how does that make her vicious?" she asked. He sighed and, with a straight face, pointed at the screen.

"She sent her maids to spy on others and made sure they all took the empress dowager's poisonous tea while she threw hers away. Then she let her maids be killed while framing another ger concubine who just wanted to live in peace in the palace, even without the emperor's love. And let's not forget she keeps tripping in front of the emperor and making it look like everyone bullied her when she was, in fact, the bully... ahyahh," he said, rolling his eyes before clinging to his mother again and ignoring the drama.

"What a nice way to spoil the drama for me," his mother said, pulling his ear gently. He pouted and hugged her waist again, pressing his face against her tummy.

"But you asked," he pouted, looking up at her with an aggrieved expression. She laughed softly, her heartwarming at the sight. Ah, her cute son was back.

She continued to stroke his hair, feeling a sense of peace settle over them. "You always have such an interesting perspective on things," she said, her voice filled with affection.

He snuggled closer, feeling safe and loved. "I just want you to know the truth, Eomma," he said softly.

"And I appreciate that," she replied, kissing the top of his head. "But sometimes, it's nice to get lost in the fantasy, even if it's just for a little while."

They both fell silent, enjoying the moment.

It was 10 p.m. when Kim Jae-soo's mother yawned, signaling it was time to bid each other goodnight. They went to their separate rooms, but about an hour later, a tired-looking Jae-soo slipped into his mother's room, clutching his pillow. She woke up at the movement and saw him standing there, looking innocently at her, just like he did when he was little.

Without a word, she opened her arms, and he dived into them. In less than twenty minutes, he was asleep, snoring softly. She worriedly checked his wrist to see everything was still as she had left it, the bandages in place. A wave of shame washed over her—she felt she was failing as a mother, unable to protect and care for her child as she once did. Maybe that man was right about her, she thought bitterly. Maybe she was never meant to be a mother.

But one thing was for sure: she couldn't lose her child again, not to anyone or anything, not even to that stupid man.

"Eomma," her son's soft call snapped her out of her thoughts. She felt him snuggle closer, continuing his peaceful sleep.

"Eomma is here," she whispered, finally closing her eyes. She held him close, determined to protect him no matter what.

'Yes, nobody will take you away from me again,' she vowed silently.

As she drifted off to sleep, her resolve hardened. She would do whatever it took to keep her son safe and happy.

Bonus chapter I guess....
Thank you for reading and loving it I do hope you can still enjoy it as the story continues

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