Chapter 22

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Chapter 22.


As the beautiful man prepared the cookies, he carefully measured out the ingredients, pouring them into a mixing bowl. He effortlessly mixed the butter and sugar together, creating a creamy and smooth texture. With precision, he added the eggs one by one, whisking them into the mixture. The scent of vanilla filled the room as he added a splash to the bowl. Gradually, he incorporated the dry ingredients, gently folding the flour into the batter. The dough took shape, and he skillfully rolled it into perfectly round balls. Placing them on a baking sheet, he delicately pressed each one down with a fork, creating a beautiful pattern. Finally, he slid the tray into the oven, and the anticipation built as the cookies baked to golden perfection. The kitchen was filled with warmth and the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies. It was a truly enchanting sight.

The sleeping Mi-reu woke up from the soft couch in the living room and followed the scent of cookies to the kitchen, attaching himself to his ger father's leg.

"Dammy," his words came out in a soft milky voice as he used one of his small hands to cling to his ger father's legs and his free hand rubbed his face, letting out yawns.

Kim Jae-soo felt his legs suddenly become heavy and looked down to see his five-year-old son attached to his left leg. He rubbed his son's hair softly as the boy looked up at him with droopy eyes still filled with sleep. Kim Jae-soo moved to pick up his son and placed him on the cleaned countertop.

"My baby Mimi," he said softly, pecking his chubby cheeks twice and making exaggerated sucking noises. The tired child giggled loudly, his small hands trying to push his father's face away.

"No, Dammy, I am not a dumpling," he said between giggles, as Kim Jae-soo laughed and rubbed his cheeks more. Such a beautiful child, who looked like a perfect blend of himself and Baek Ji-Hu.

"Well, you are my dumpling," Jae-soo said, smiling warmly. He continued to pepper his son's face with kisses until Mi-reu's giggles filled the kitchen.


The oven timer chimed just as Kim Jae-soo placed Mi-reu gently on the ground. He hurried to the oven, pulling out the tray of perfectly baked cookies. Mi-reu's mouth watered as he followed his father around the kitchen, his eyes wide with anticipation. Once the cookies had cooled down a bit, Kim Jae-soo handed one to his son, who ate it with relish, continuously praising his dammy's baking skills.

"Dammy makes the best cookies," Mi-reu declared between bites, his face lighting up with pure joy.

In these precious moments, Kim Jae-soo found solace. Since Baek Mi-reu had started kindergarten, these times spent cooking and baking were his escape from the relentless dark thoughts that often clouded his mind. The voices that whispered life would be easier if he just disappeared seemed to quiet in the warmth of the kitchen.

It was 7:00 a.m. on a Monday morning. Baek Ji-Hu had already left after eating breakfast, pausing only to kiss his sleeping son's cheek. Kim Jae-soo had grown used to witnessing the tender care Ji-Hu showed their son. Every weekday, Ji-Hu woke up Mi-reu, bathed him, and ensured he was ready before having his own breakfast and heading out. This routine had been in place for a few months now, ever since Mi-reu started kindergarten. It was the one harmonious thread that tied Kim Jae-soo and Baek Ji-Hu together.

"Come on, Mimi, let's get you ready for school," Kim Jae-soo said after their breakfast, watching as Mi-reu finished his milk.

"Yes, Dammy," Mi-reu replied obediently, hopping off his chair. Sometimes, Kim Jae-soo worried that his son was too compliant, fearing he might become a pushover or a doormat. But he quickly shook off those thoughts, focusing on the present moment.

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